365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1436: I'm waiting for your lawyer letter

  Jin Chenye smiled warmly, not showing the mountains or dew.

   not only rejected Shan Hanjie’s kindness, but also bluntly said that he was only helping the Ye family, and it was Qin Youxuan.

  I saw Shan Hanjie's face cool down, still unmoved.

  Tasting red wine slowly.

  A meal has changed from two people to three people, and the original romantic western food atmosphere has also become a little weird.

   The two men both laughed, and there was a conversation between you and me.

  It seemed that he didn't say anything, but he was already talking about it.

   seems to be a kind of tacit understanding, the tit-for-tat between the two people did not involve Qin Youxuan, and the conversation from beginning to end is like a man's career.

  Only they know what they are doing.

  Qin Youxuan sat next to her, always trying to say something, but she couldn't find the time to speak.

   Both men seem to have forgotten her at the same time.

  At the end of lunch, Jin Chenye took the lead to get up and return to the company.

  Qin Youxuan wanted to go back with him, glanced at Shan Hanjie beside him, and did not move.

  Jin Chenye didn't want her to be embarrassed, so he moved away calmly.

  "Are you satisfied?" Qin Youxuan turned to Shan Hanjie with a mocking smile, "Do I even have to report to you for a meal with Jin Chenye?"

  Dan Hanjie’s sudden attack, to put it bluntly, he still doesn’t believe her.

  Qin Youxuan originally wanted to leave with her son. Such a lack of trust in the relationship between husband and wife is even more exhausting.

   "Two people need to come to this place to eat." Shan Hanjie glanced at the warm and romantic western restaurant, his enchanting eyes dimmed.

  If it is captured by the media, coupled with her previous relationship with Jin Chenye, I don’t know what will happen.

  "This is the restaurant set by the secretary. I have not been here before. I am just your wife, not your prisoner. You have no right to interfere in my life. If you have any comments, I am willing to divorce at any time."

  Qin Youxuan was a little out of control, stood up aloud, without looking at Shan Hanjie.

   "I am waiting for your lawyer's letter."

  Qin Youxuan turned and left the seat, instead of leaving the restaurant immediately with the bag, she turned and entered the bathroom.

  He poured a handful of water on the sink and splashed it on his face.

  The cold touch made her shiver.

  People also become sober.

   Thinking back to my reaction just now, I also felt too excited.

  He let out a long sigh of relief, and just raised his head, seeing the figure of the man reflected in the mirror, he almost screamed in surprise.

  The cat's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Shan Hanjie who had just walked in in disbelief.

  He snapped his wrist and pushed it into the compartment abruptly.

   "Shan Hanjie, you let me go, this is the women's bathroom!" Qin Youxuan was suppressed by his tall body, and the person became panicked. Perceiving the sudden change in the man's aura, Zitong tightened suddenly.

   "What about it? You can come here for a romantic meal with Jin Chenye, and you are afraid that something will happen with me, huh?" Shan Hanjie approached her ear, curling her lips evilly.

The words    make people tremble from the bottom of their bones.

   "You are crazy!" Qin Youxuan looked at him in surprise, and wanted to push him away, but Shan Hanjie pressed her tighter instead.

  Qin Youxuan's petite body is all stuck on the wall.

   With a little hand against the man’s chest, under his palm, he can clearly feel his heartbeat and the burning temperature.

   "I don't want to discuss issues with you here, you let me go first, in case someone comes in."

  Qin Youxuan paled with fright when he thought that this was a public place.

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