365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1439: If something happens to her, I want you to bury her!

  The servant who first discovered that Qin Youxuan fainted responded with anxiety.

   "A bunch of waste!"

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dimmed, and a **** light was reflected, "Why haven't the doctor come yet?"

  "Here is here." The butler led the people and hurried into the bedroom.

  Shan Hanjie immediately handed the little guy in his arms to the nanny and told everyone to retreat.

   Grabbed the doctor by the collar and pushed the person to the bed, "Give me a good check. If anything happens to her, I want you to bury it!"

  "Yes, yes, Jie Shao, the subordinates will do their best."

  The doctor stepped forward to check Qin Youxuan without saying anything. After reading it again, he frowned.

   "The young woman's body doesn't have a big problem, but the blood stasis is more obvious. It should be because of the cold body. As for other things, the subordinates want to wait for the young woman to wake up and ask her how she feels."

   "If there is a way, what are you still trying to do!" Shan Hanjie growled.

  I couldn't stand it for a moment. Qin Youxuan fell asleep so quietly, stepped forward, and hugged her into her arms.

   "Jie Shao, it may be a little painful. Hold down the hand of the young grandma first, so as not to accidentally hurt the instinctive reaction."

  Dan Hanjie did not speak, clasped his fingers, holding Qin Youxuan's hand.

  Watching the doctor drew out a long thin needle and pricked her in the hole.

  As soon as Qin Youxuan's arm was about to rise, Shan Hanjie hugged her tighter.

   Seeing her open her eyes, Shan Hanjie let out a silent sigh of relief.

   "Wake up? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Shan Hanjie supported her shoulders so that Qin Youxuan could comfortably lean on his chest.

  Who knew that Qin Youxuan took the initiative to avoid as soon as she saw Shan Hanjie.

   leaned on the head of the bed, staring at the doctor in the room with startled eyes, "What's wrong with me?"


  Dan Hanjie looked at his lost arm, his eyes dimmed faintly.

   "Young lady, you fainted in the yard. The servant saw you and took you back to the room. As soon as Jie Shao heard that you had an accident, he hurried back."

  The butler’s brief and concise explanation.

   Hearing this, Qin Youxuan turned her head and glanced at the man next to her. The cat's eyes were as bright as gray.

  The last person she wants to see is him...

   "Young grandma still feels uncomfortable in her way now?"

   asked the doctor respectfully.

   stepped forward and glanced at Qin Youxuan, who was not quite right, and became cautious in his words and deeds.

   "No, I don't feel any discomfort." Qin Youxuan shook her head, not wanting to speak at all.

   "Is the young lady having a bad rest recently? I think your dark circles are a bit heavy. Do you have any symptoms such as insomnia?" The doctor thought for a while and asked again.


  This time, Qin Youxuan was silent and did not say a word.

  She couldn't sleep at all.

  As long as Shan Hanjie lie on the same bed, it will be as uncomfortable as lying on pins and needles.

  Every day it turns over and over again, and finally it turns from dark to dawn.

   "Is the diet still normal? How is your appetite?"

  The doctor just wanted to ask a few more questions, when she saw Qin Youxuan turned around, pulled the quilt and covered her body, no one paid any attention.

  As soon as this move came out, even people who were not doctors noticed that something was wrong with her.

  The doctor did not dare to speak any more, bowed silently, and exited the room.

  Walking up the corridor, he turned around and looked at Shan Hanjie.

"Jie Shao, my subordinate suspects that the young woman has a mental illness. She has already experienced obvious rejection. She doesn't want to communicate with others and doesn't care about her body. Some of them are like depression. I need to take a good check. But the young woman ..."

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