365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1442: Fifth, careful thoughts of choosing leisure

  The fifth place to choose leisure, which thief dares to patronize?

  Not afraid of being made into specimens by him...

In just a second, Rui Hua became righteous again, "In fact, it is mainly to blame him. It was not me who went to the wrong room this time. He sent me to the door and beat me. I have been merciful, otherwise he would have been blind. "


  Fifth, choose idle and go to the wrong room?

  Qin Youxuan's cat blinked, how it sounded strange.

  As soon as Shan Hanjie walked into the living room with his son, he heard the dialogue between the two women. The coquettish Zitong flashed and looked at the fifth choice with two panda eyes, with joking expressions in his eyes.

  Walking to the wrong room in the middle of the night, only Rui Hua would believe this excuse.

  Someone is afraid that he can't hold it back, and wants the Overlord to make the bow hard.

  Fifth, whoever chooses leisure, his face has long been beyond ordinary people to challenge.

  Even everyone except Rui Hua knew that he still looked indifferent, as if he didn't put anyone in his eyes.

  Go forward and put down the medicine box.

  "I can't come to work, when I am here to relive the old days." Fifth Chosen looked at the woman who was not there as soon as he came out, with a hint of cold eyebrows in her eyebrows.

   Stupid woman, really just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

   "I'm not satisfied with your dismissal, you think I want to talk to you, black-hearted boss." Rui Wei shrugged, his expression indifferent.

  She thinks Germany is like crazy, and the fifth choice is not letting people go.

   Not to mention her ID, even her mobile phone was confiscated.

  Don’t even think about leaving if you don’t need labor to offset the money of his broken machine.

  Goodbye, what do you care about her when that broken thing breaks?

  She has to work for the first nuisance for 20 years to pay off. She is not stupid.

  Hurrying to learn new skills while staying by his side and learning new skills, and run away at the first opportunity.

  Wait for returning to Germany, to see what he can do with her, hum╭(╯^╰)╮!

   "Rui Wei, help me see Tingye first." Qin Youxuan also thought about her son, and said softly.

   "Well, for your sake, I won't care about him." Rui Hua clapped his hands and stepped forward to take the little guy from Time's arms.

  This examination is very fast, Xiao Tingye’s eyes are recovering very well, and the damaged cornea is almost healed. As long as a few more medications, there is basically no problem.

Qin Youxuan let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the news.

"In fact, there is the first annoying person, you don’t need to worry so much. If he says that he can be cured, it basically means that he can be cured. Although others are a little arrogant, the medical skills are really good, otherwise I don’t. I've been stealing the teacher for so long, and I haven't been willing to leave yet."

  Rui Wei attached to Qin Youxuan's ear and said thiefly.

  A proud look at my smartness.

  Qin Youxuan looked at her fresh and bright smile, and her heart palpitations were indescribable.

  Once, she also liked to laugh like this, unruly and rebellious, making everyone headache.

  Now, she feels more and more tired...

   "Xiao Xuanzi, what's the matter with you, your face is very wrong, isn't it uncomfortable?" Rui Wei reached out and clasped her wrist, and Qin Youxuan pushed her hand away as soon as she wanted to check her.

   "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, I'm going upstairs first." Qin Youxuan took her son from Rui Hua, and disappeared into the stairs.

  The indifferent expression and alienated attitude surprised Rui Wei.

  Until Qin Youxuan's figure disappeared, she turned her head in shock and looked at Shan Hanjie, "Jie, how could she be like this, Xiaoxuanzi, it seems that no one wants to take care of..."

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