365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1444: What he wants will be delivered to him

  The family of three left the villa in a weird posture.

  Getting into the car, Qin Youxuan is still in a posture that no one wants to take care of, coaxing the little guy in her arms for herself.

  When Xiao Tingye fell asleep, she quietly looked out the window.

  The scenery in the suburbs is very quiet and beautiful.

  Shan Hanjie chose a very ordinary place, just a small lake, a bit like the cherry blossom forest behind the Yujing Villa.

  There are flowers, grass and water.

  This environment makes people unconsciously relax.

  They did not bring a servant, Shan Hanjie set up the tent by himself when he got out of the car.

  He moves quickly, as if he has been professionally trained, and he set up the tent in the blink of an eye.

   "Whatever you want to eat, I will bake it for you."

  Shan Hanjie set up a grate beside him, holding a charcoal fire inside.

  Qin Youxuan was a little surprised to see him doing such a thing for the first time.

  In her impression, this man is always aloof, in control of everyone's life and death.

  What he wants will be delivered to him.

  The only time he was down was when he was sick and out of control, but even at that time, the arrogance in his bones was as strong as ever.

  Qin Youxuan saw charcoal dust on the cuffs of his shirt, and stretched out her hand subconsciously, trying to wipe it for him.

   Just halfway through, thinking of something, he retracted back in a jealousy, and continued to look indifferently.

  The small lake is not very big, but there are a lot of fish.

  Dan Hanjie grilled a few skewers of his own. Qin Youxuan didn't even look at it. His eyes flashed, and he took out the fishing rod from the trunk of the car and walked to the lake.

  Qin Youxuan watched him quickly get a fish from the lake and put it on the grill.

The scent of fish came out as soon as the sound came out.

  The hungry instinct of people is that their sight will actively follow the food.

  Dan Hanjie’s processing method is very rough, and the fish scales are not clean, but the roasted taste is very fragrant.

  Even the little guy in Qin Youxuan’s arms kept chuckling her mouth, with a rhythm to grab food.

"Try this?"

  Dan Hanjie picked the grilled fish into the plate and handed it to Qin Youxuan.


  Qin Youxuan glanced at him, swallowed her saliva, and turned her head awkwardly.

  She is a little awkward, where can she hide Shan Hanjie's eyes.

  Shan Hanjie took the dish and walked forward, and fed it strongly into her mouth.

   "If you dare to vomit, I'll let you bake a hundred for me." Shan Hanjie roared fiercely, Qin Youxuan swallowed it with a grunt, staring at him at the cat.

   "How does it taste?" Shan Hanjie took another sip into her mouth. Knowing that she would not answer, he also took a sip.

   squinted the evil eyes, "Not bad."

  Confirmed that the taste was okay, Shan Hanjie fed all the fish in the plate to Qin Youxuan.

   "Do you still want to eat, I will bake another one."

   "When are we going back, I'm tired." Qin Youxuan stretched out his hand to grab his sleeve and whispered.

   lowered his eyes and concealed his guilty conscience.

  Only she knows, she can't stand Shan Hanjie doing this for her.

  He should be standing at the top and watching everyone. Every step back now is shaking her heart.


  Is this still not enough.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes dimmed, his palms a little tight.

   didn't go back to the lake, but sat on the grass, stretched out her hand and took her into her arms.

  Qin Youxuan instinctively wanted to avoid him, Shan Hanjie's arm tightened, and her chin was placed on the top of her hair, "Don't move, sit quietly with me for a while, and we will go back after watching the sunset."

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