365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1452: Shan Hanjie's revenge (2)

  The bartender looked at Shan Hanjie who had fallen on Yu Yueman, then glanced at Yu Yueman who was full of joy, and asked uncertainly.

   "Who wants you to be troublesome? I didn't see him getting drunk and doing so much trouble. It's not that we don't have a lounge here." Yu Yueman exquisitely picked the corner of his eyes and gave the bartender a fierce look.

  She just heard many people say that Shan Hanjie has been hanging around pub buying drunk recently, only to try her luck everywhere.

  As a result, she broke through the straw shoes and found nowhere to find. Shan Hanjie was actually in Yu's pub, still drunk as drunk.

  Yu Yueman coveted for so long, how could he miss this opportunity.

   immediately helped Shan Hanjie walk into the lounge.

  Those who squatted guard all night, and in the end they could only watch the flesh flying away, and they itched Yu Yueman with hatred.

  But this is Yu's pub, and no one has the courage to go up and grab someone from Yu Yueman.

  "Cat, don't go..."

  Dan Hanjie drank too much, dizzy, and forcefully hugged the woman next to him, bullying him up.

   "Jie Shao, don't worry, it's almost there."

  Yu Yueman struggling to carry the tall Shan Hanjie, caught a glimpse of his behavior, and helped him to the lounge more and more anxiously.

  Yu’s pub does not provide a lounge for the outside world, the only one is the exclusive lounge for Yuxiu.

   But Yu Yueman knows that he is not here today.

  Simplely, he helped Shan Hanjie in, watching the man fall drunk on the bed, his naked chest, and he couldn't wait to rush up.

   Reached out and untied his shirt...

  When his hand touched Shan Hanjie's belt, the whole person was so excited that he wanted to scream.


  Shan Hanjie opened his evil eyes and looked at her for a while, the blurry figures in front of him kept overlapping.

  Shan Hanjie turned over and pressed Yu Yueman under him.

  She held her face in her hand, and slowly lowered her head...


After a scream, Yu Yueman was seen lying softly on the bed.

  Shan Hanjie stood up and backed away.

  Where is the drunkenness under my eyes just now, only a piece of clarity is left.

  Looking at Yu Yueman who was knocked out by him, he quickly looked up the room in which he was.

   Soon, the location of the monitor was found and destroyed one by one.

  As agile as a cheetah, Shan Hanjie searched for suspicious locations in the entire room.

  Since this is a site that has been repaired, it is impossible to be clean.

  If it’s him, the most dangerous place will be the safest...

   Shan Hanjie’s sharp evil eyes swept around the room slowly, and finally settled on the floor under the desk.

  The most unlikely place is the most likely...

  Shan Hanjie took a few steps forward, squatted down, reached out and knocked.


  Very empty sound.

   Zitong tightened, kicked open the table, and fumbled on the carpet with his palms, but there was nothing.

  Where is the agency?

  Shan Hanjie raised his head, scanned all the objects on the table, tried every possible place, but still didn't find it.

time is limited.

  Shan Hanjie glanced at the watch, his eyes fell on the goblet on the table.

   tried it again, and couldn’t move around.

   is like just a fixed decoration, there is no abnormality.

  Is he really guessing wrong?

  Shan Hanjie looked at the immovable cup on the table, and the place where he first met Yu Xiuzun flashed in his mind.

  The wall with world famous wines...

  Red wine, Yu Xiuzun’s hobby...

   Shan Hanjie's evil eyes narrowed, reflecting a dangerous light.

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