365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1458: Why didn't you bring my son

  "Are you drunk?" Qin Youxuan sniffed the rich smell of alcohol on his body and raised her eyebrows.

   "Drink." Shan Hanjie nodded suddenly, leaned in front of her, breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his lips evilly, "I'm just a little bit, not drunk, I'm waiting for you."


  Drunk people will say that they are not drunk.

  Qin Youxuan became more and more sure that he was wrong at this time, and talked to a drunkard about things, and the results of the talk were ghosts.

   "Shan Hanjie, let me go and sober up. When you want to get back your property, we will make an appointment another day to talk."

  Qin Youxuan was just about to get up, Shan Hanjie turned her body over, and easily pressed her onto the sofa and leaned over her body.

   "I don't want property, I want you, do you give it?" Shan Hanjie kissed her on the cheek, Qin Youxuan's eyes widened in surprise, and after a few pushes, she didn't push him away.

  "Hurry to return the things to me, and what's the next step? Apply for divorce? There is no door!" Shan Hanjie gritted his teeth fiercely, turned his head and pinched Qin Youxuan's face.

   "Pain... Shan Hanjie, you lunatic, what are you going crazy!" Qin Youxuan did not expect that he would come like this, cursing hot and annoyed on his cheeks.

"Yes, I'm a madman. You didn’t know when you married me that I’m a madman. Why, how does it feel to have a madman with a madman? Why didn’t you bring my son and let him see if you were? How did he lose his father step by step?"


  Qin Youxuan's chest choked, thinking of Xiao Tingye who had been crying for her father during this period of time, she couldn't tell how much guilt she felt.

   "In fact, it's not impossible to return the property to me..." Shan Hanjie prolonged the ending, and Qin Youxuan was already stunned.

  Sure enough, he quickly put on her face, “I don’t care about the money. I will pay you back. I’m so happy. I don’t want it in minutes. Let you be completely free.”

   "..." Qin Youxuan's eyes pierced and she wanted to kill him.

  Dan Hanjie raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"What I sent out by Shan Hanjie, there is no reason to take it back." He declared arrogantly, "Qin Youxuan, you died this heart early, even if you die in front of me now, your tombstone is also I have to engrave Shan Hanjie's name, I can't get rid of it!"

  Qin Youxuan pushed him away forcefully, a little brain-heated by Shan Hanjie's arrogant attitude.

"Leave your things in my hands, I think it's dirty!" Qin Youxuan's chest was violently up and down because of anger. She pressed her hands on the sofa and tried several times but couldn't push him away. She opened her mouth and bit Shan Hanjie. Chest.

   Hearing a muffled snort, he couldn't help but not let go, and the bite became heavier.

   makes you arrogant, I kill you, kill you!

  "Don't be proud, according to the law, if the husband and wife have been separated for more than two years, they can apply for divorce!"

  Dan Hanjie's nerves froze, and his eyes fixedly stared at her.

  Deep black eyes, seeing Qin Youxuan's scalp numb, she shrank her neck back.

"what you up to?"

"I'm thinking, do I have to thank you." Shan Hanjie raised her chin and smiled ghostly, "Wife, thank you for reminding me that no matter how busy you are, you should take time to'live with' you from time to time, so as not to The court will invalidate our marriage."


   "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, or just today, you stay at home, let's talk about cohabitation." Shan Hanjie carried Qin Youxuan on his shoulders, turned and walked upstairs.

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