365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1460: Three people bumped into each other

  Until he was silent for a long time, Jin Chenye didn't respond, and even when the fingers holding the steering wheel began to turn white, Ye Mingmei finally noticed something wrong.

   "She married someone else." Jin Chenye was silent for a long time before opening his lips faintly.

   In his eyes, there is peace that no one can understand.

  As if that sentence, it was not that she married someone else, but that she married me.


   Ye Mingmei's body was shocked, and she was sluggish for a few seconds.

   looked at him with some regret.

  Originally, I just wanted to activate the atmosphere that the two hadn't seen for a long time, but I didn't expect it would become so embarrassing.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean it..."

   "It's okay, you don't know anything, there is nothing to apologize for."

  Jin Chenye calmly exposed this topic, but the atmosphere dropped to a freezing point, and no one spoke any more.

  Ye Mingmei could not have imagined that a couple who had been rumored to be a good story ended up going their separate ways.

  When I looked at Jin Chenye again, there was a touch of complexity.

   Silence all the way, the car finally drove to the gate of Ye's house.

   Ye Mingmei got off Jin Chenye’s car and said goodbye politely, "Thank you for sending me back today."

   "You are welcome, let's go in." Jin Chenye stood beside the driver's seat, with a gentle and handsome figure, tall and straight.

   His gaze crossed Ye Mingmei and glanced at the Ye Family Villa, then faintly narrowed his eyes.

  Watching Ye Mingmei waved at him and walked into the villa.


  In front of the villa, a car suddenly stopped.

   Ye Mingmei's footsteps paused, followed the voice and looked over, only to find that it was Qin Youxuan's car.

  The same stunned person is Jin Chenye.

  He would send Ye Mingmei back. He told himself that he was just sending off a junior girl, but only he knew that he wanted to see her, so he would not bother or bother to see her by the way.

  I thought I would not see it anymore, but Qin Youxuan would come back suddenly.

  Qin Youxuan’s car stopped for a long time and didn’t get out of the car for a long time. Obviously, she accidentally ran into Jin Chenye and Ye Mingmei.

  Hand, wiped the corners of his eyes in a flustered manner, made sure that there was no problem, and then pushed the door and got out of the car.

  "Have you cried?" Jin Chenye stepped forward, just about to say hello to her, and saw her red eyes, suddenly sinking.

  A cold will condense in the whole body in an instant.

   "No, the speed was too fast, and sand got in the eyes." Qin Youxuan didn't expect Jin Chenye to spot it at a glance. She made an excuse and glanced back and forth between the two people.

   "You are only off work now. It seems that my president is very incompetent. Brother, even if you are a workaholic, don't damage Mingmei. She hasn't recovered from a cold. Don't make people sick again."

  Qin Youxuan showed unbelief in Jin Chenye's eyes, and could only look at him.

   "The senior just invited me to dinner by the way, not working overtime until now." Ye Mingmei obediently explained Jin Chenye next to her.

  Originally, Jin Chenye wanted to invite her to lunch, but who knew that if she couldn't get out of her body temporarily, it became dinner.

  That’s why it was dragged to the present.


  Qin Youxuan glanced at Ye Mingmei, who was very nervous about Jin Chenye, raised her eyebrows slightly, and was about to say something, when Jin Chenye looked at Ye Mingmei.

  "You are also tired today. Go in early to rest. I will teach you to deal with the cooperation case tomorrow." He clearly distracted Ye Mingmei.

   Ye Mingmei is not a fool either. Hearing what Jin Chenye said and knowing they had something to say, she turned around and entered the villa.

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