Qin Youxuan finished speaking, without further mentioning, and went straight into the restaurant to prepare for dinner.

  Jin Chenye looked at her back, then glanced at the little guy who was still small in his arms, his eyes were complicated.

  Such a small child, it should be when mom and dad are by their side.

After staying at Ye's house for a while, Jin Chenye got up and left.

  Ye Mingmei just came down from the upstairs after taking a shower, and she was a little surprised to see Jin Chenye who was about to leave.


   "You just came down, so I won't send Mr. Jin off yet." Su Yiru quickly ordered when he saw Ye Mingmei.

   "Oh, good." Ye Mingmei put the towel wiping her hair aside, and then walked out with Jin Chenye.

  Jin Chenye turned her head and glanced at Qin Youxuan's direction. She was holding Xiao Tingye who had just fallen asleep, and when she saw Ye Mingmei sending him off, she did not get up again.

   Waving playfully at Jin Chenye.

  Jin Chenye smiled softly, turned around knowingly, and stepped away.

  The smile on his face did not fade until he walked out of Ye's house.

   "Senior seems to be in a good mood?" Ye Mingmei was wearing casual clothes, with her hands in her pockets, tilting her head to look at Jin Chenye.

  Since knowing that he was not with his first love girlfriend, when Ye Mingmei looked at him again, she always felt that Jin Chenye felt a touch of alienation that no one could see through.

  As if deliberately concealing my sadness and loneliness, forcing myself to show nothing in front of others.

   But now the smile on his face is very real.

  "Xiao Tingye is very cute." Jin Chenye faintly replied, and looked at Ye Mingmei, "Go in, it's windy outside, and it's easy to catch a cold with wet hair. Don't catch a cold again."


   Ye Mingmei was stunned, stretched out her hand to grab her head, nodded obediently, turned and walked back.

   took a few steps, then turned around, "Senior, can I ask you a question?"


  Jin Chenye turned around, looked at her hesitantly biting her lip, and smiled gently, "You can ask."

   "I used to... Wasn't it annoying?" Ye Mingmei struggled for a long time before she said quietly.

  Since knowing that she is not the biological daughter of the Ye family, Ye Mingmei's self-confidence suddenly seemed to be deprived.

  After being forced by Yu Xiu, she felt that her life was already desperate.

It was Su Yiru's desperate protection that made her learn to be strong step by step.

  She wants to work hard to make herself better, but she is afraid that the world will not give her a chance.

  "The primary school girl I know..."

  Jin Chenye's eyes flickered, and he squinted slightly, as if he was beginning to remember, “In my impression, you are a hard-working girl. When I did the case study with you, I felt very good.”


   Ye Mingmei was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him in surprise.

  At that time, would she really have an admirable side?

"Some things may not be suitable for me to tell you, but I think you should know that people live for themselves, for the people who love and love you, and not for those who hurt you. They care too much about the eyes of others, and It won’t make you better."

  Jin Chenye paused, watching Ye Mingmei’s reaction, she knew who she thought of.

  He knew some things, but Ye Mingmei didn't know that he knew.

  Jin Chenye stepped forward, gently hugged her into his arms, and gently patted her head with his big hand.

  "When you care if others hate you, don't forget to ask those who care about you whether they like you or not. That's the focus of your attention."

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