"Youxuan, what Shan Hanjie told you, did you hide something from me, why is your face so ugly?" Su Yiru sat next to her and grabbed her hand nervously.

   "I'm just afraid that Shan Hanjie will rob Tingye with me. Aunt Ru will tell the guard in the future, if he comes again, don't let him in at will. I don't want to see him."

"Then what if he came to see the child?" Su Yiru hesitated, "I can't forgive what Shan Hanjie did to your dad. If he can, I don't want him to step into Ye's house, but Tingye is like that. Xiao, every time I see him cry, I feel uncomfortable in my heart."

  None of them thought that such a small baby already began to rely on his father.


  Qin Youxuan looked down at her immature son, her chest was so stuffy that she couldn't speak.

  All the things she deliberately ignored were put in front of her overnight.

  Shan Hanjie was unwilling to get back his property, even refused to divorce, now he is holding Ye Mingmei's photo in his hand.

   "Is Mingmei back?" Qin Youxuan said suddenly.

   "Not yet, it should be coming soon. It was Mr. Jin taking her back in the past two days. I think it's almost time to go out." Su Yiru stood up.

   "I'm with you."

  Qin Youxuan took her son from her arms and walked out.

  As soon as I walked to the living room, I saw Ye Mingmei’s car parked outside the gate.

  Jin Chenye opened the door and got out of the car first. A gentleman walked around to the other side and opened the door for Ye Mingmei.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan standing in the yard, her warm eyes flashed, and she walked towards her.

  "Uncle." Jin Chenye stretched out his hand and poked Xiao Tingye in the face.

  Looking at the little guy who didn't say a word but kept spitting out milk bubbles, I couldn't help but laugh.

   "Let's stay for dinner together." Qin Youxuan spoke lightly, and his gaze fell on his handsome face.

   "No, I have an appointment with a partner. I have to go over now and see Tingye and leave." Jin Chenye took a deep look at Qin Youxuan, resisting reluctance, and looked away from her face.

   took another look at the little guy in her arms, bowed her head and kissed, then straightened her waist and left the Ye family.

  "Mr. Jin is calm and steady in his work, and he shows talent. What is rare is that he has outstanding temperament and is so humble. He is really a rare good man. If any woman marries him in the future, he will be really lucky."

  Su Yiru looked at Jin Chenye’s back and couldn't help but admire.

  The words fell, and she looked in Ye Mingmei's direction.

   During this period of time, Jin Chenye has been sending Ye Mingmei back frequently, and Su Yiru has seen it all.

   "Mom, what do you think of me like this? The senior just sent me back. The person he likes is not me." Ye Mingmei was nervous and waved subconsciously.

"Then you have to learn to fight for it. If you are unmarried and unmarried, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can’t say anything. I have inquired. After he broke up with his first love, he never dated another girl. If it were you Mom would be relieved to find such a good man with long love."

  The more Su Yiru thought about it, the more he felt that Jin Chenye was reliable, but he didn't notice the slight change in Qin Youxuan's face.

   looked at Su Yiru and Ye Mingmei with some embarrassment.

  They all seem to know that Jin Chenye has an ex-girlfriend, but they don’t know that ex-girlfriend is her...

  Qin Youxuan is not easy to interrupt at this time, can only pretend not to hear anything, and concentrate on coaxing the little guy in her arms.

   "I don't deserve him..."

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