365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1477: Are you blind and didn't you see her hurt?

  "The master didn't say anything, and the subordinates don't know where he is." The medical staff glanced at Rui Hua and didn't dare to talk too much.

   Rui Wei patronized and stared at his toes, but did not notice the expressions of the medical staff with a guilty conscience.

   stood up while leaning on the wall.

   "Ms. Rui Wei, your foot seems to be badly injured. Do you need to deal with it? Put some medicine on it and it will heal faster."

   "No need, I can't die, it's just a bit numb." Rui Wei waved his hand and signaled the medical staff to ignore her, turned around and supported the wall to get a chair to sit on.


  The elevator door on this floor suddenly opened.

  The long figure of Fifth Chosen calmly stepped out of it, turned his head and glanced, and found that Rui Wei was leaning against the wall, and stepped towards her.

   "What happened to the foot?"

As soon as    approached, Fifth Chosen found her weird posture and red and swollen toes.


   "You are ashamed to say, where have you been? Why I can't find your shadow when I searched the whole building." Rui Wei grumbled and complained, and she didn't notice a trace of complaint and grievance in her tone.

  Listening to a man’s ears is more like acting like a baby.


  Fifth Chosen choked on her chest, stepped forward, reached out and hugged her.

  Ruiwei is tall, but she is still a bit worse than the fifth choice. She nestled in his arms, it was a bit like a bird.

  Two people are together, it is rare that there is no quarrel.

  "Why are you still standing, why don't you go to get the medicine? You are blind, didn't you see that she was injured?" Fifth Zexian glanced at the medical staff around him, and opened his lips coldly.

   "Yes, master." The medical staff turned around and ran away, too scared to look back.

  "You can hurt yourself in the hospital, Ruihua Adolf, you are so stupid." Fifth Chosen pressed her thumb to make sure that there was no injury to the muscles and bones, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

   "It's just a skin injury, just apply some medicine. How did you get it, it's so swollen?" Fifth Chosen raised his head, and met Rui Wei's stunned eyes, and he was slightly stunned.

  Looking at Rui Hua who was surprised, she was shocked, her small mouth was still slightly open, and she looked astonished and stupid.

   fixedly watched the Fifth Choice, who was kneeling in front of her, rubbing her feet for her.

   Rui Wei really wanted to reach out and squeeze herself severely.

  Is this still the poisonous man she knows?

  She thought he would laugh at herself mercilessly, and then continued to scold her for being stupid, not even walking with eyes.

  Fifth Chosen, such an arrogant man, would actually kneel down to help her rub her feet...

  Rui Hua swallowed hard, but he couldn't slow down, always feeling that he had hallucinations.

   "What's wrong? It hurts?" Fifth Chosen didn't know that her inner activities were so intense. She saw her mouth open all the time, her pink cherry lips shining brightly in the shimmer, seductively picking.

  Fifth Chosen's eyes gradually deepened.

   Slowly raised her head and approached her cheek.

   "Master, this is the best medicine to reduce swelling." The medical staff hurried back with a bottle of ointment, sweating profusely and didn't know if they were running or being frightened by the fifth choice.

  As soon as the atmosphere on the scene was found to be wrong, it was neither going in nor retreating. It was directly petrified with the ointment.

  Will he be directly beheaded if he broke the good deeds of the master like this?


  The thin lips of Fifth Chosen, born and stopped just a few centimeters away from Ruihua.

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