365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1494: People are driven away by you

   "There is no room for you here, if there is nothing else, you should go back." Qin Youxuan was not so foolish, Kun straightened her neck and responded.

   "What about you, Mr. Jin, if there is nothing else, you should go back, my wife is here, naturally I will take care of it." Shan Hanjie looked at Jin Chenye frankly and passed Qin Youxuan's words to him.


  Jin Chenye stood there as soon as his body stiffened, neither advancing nor retreating.

  The atmosphere is unspeakable embarrassment.

  Qin Youxuan was about to explain, Shan Hanjie covered her mouth.

"If I remember correctly, the problem of the farm cannot be resolved for a while. The most anxious one should be the restaurant under Ye's. Now Ye Mingmei is the only one left in the group. Are you sure she can handle the cannibal reporters? ?"

  Shan Hanjie left a sentence neither light nor heavy, and the coquettish Zitong looked at Jin Chenye.

   His eyes were sharp.

   Before Jin Chenye could answer, the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

  After answering the phone, Jin Chenye's face changed obviously.

  "Xiaoxuan, the news from the public relations department, I am afraid that the news of the accident at the Yejia Farm cannot be kept, I must rush back to deal with it, you..."

   "Of course she has to stay here and sit here. The problem with the farm has just been found out. If all the people are gone at this time, if something goes wrong again, it will be useless to say how beautiful you are in front of the media."

  Shan Hanjie interrupted Jin Chenye directly.

  Jin Chenye's eyes flickered, but he glanced at him without refuting it.

Instead, he looked at Qin Youxuan, "I also hope you can stay, not only to take a good look at the farm, but also to relax."

  With Shan Hanjie, he doesn't have to worry about her in any danger.

  In the first place, he was not qualified to stand beside her, even if he put on the coat of "brother", he couldn't deceive himself, he couldn't let it go.

   Staying by her side for a second will make you think something you shouldn’t have.

  Leaving is best.

   "Okay, I will stay."

  Qin Youxuan has unconditional trust in Jin Chenye in the company's operational decisions.

   only hesitated for a second, then nodded obediently.

  Jin Chenye just turned his head, took a deep look at Shan Hanjie, then turned around and entered the room, packed his things, and walked out.

  The action is very fast, only a few minutes before and after.

  Junyi's figure stood by the door, her gentle black eyes fixedly looking at Shan Hanjie.

   "I just left, and a room was vacated, with everything that should be in it. You are welcome." After Jin Chenye finished speaking, he walked forward and gently hugged Qin Youxuan with his hand.

   lowered his voice, "Think about what you want. The fault of the previous generation should not be transferred to you, and be nice to yourself."

  A hug for a few seconds, Jin Chenye let go before Shan Hanjie had time to stop it.

   Carrying simple luggage, step down the stairs.

   "Everyone is gone, what else to watch." Shan Hanjie stood in front of Qin Youxuan, her stalwart body blocking her sight.

"Yeah, people are driven away by you. The room is just empty for you. What can I worry about." Qin Youxuan suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed him, Shan Hanjie was caught off guard, stepped back and saw She slammed the door shut in front of him.

  Across the door, she can still hear her angry voice.

   "I'm going to sleep, if you dare to knock on my door, I will never say a word to you again!"


  Shan Hanjie's hand just raised, just stopped in the air.

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