365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1503: One minute late, you know the consequences

  Ye Mingmei stood there, and did not recover for a while.

  "Ms. Ye, I will give you another bowl, you are careful to scald it." The servant put the porridge bowl on the table and glanced at Ye Mingmei, who had never responded.

  She grabbed the hem of the skirt, bit her lip, and looked at Yu Xiuzun with some hesitation.

  Yun Xiu must ignore her, bow her head and dine elegantly.

  As if the scene that happened just now was just an illusion.

"I am full."

  I waited for a long time, until Yu Xiuquan put down the tableware, picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth slowly, before Ye Mingmei dared to speak.

   did not take a step forward, but stood at the furthest distance from him.

   Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhun raised his head and glanced at her.

   "I will ask the driver to see you off and come by myself at night."


   Ye Mingmei's body trembled, and she raised her head in surprise.

what did he say?

  What does he mean by this?

   "Don't understand? Or do you think I can be unscrupulous without your handle?" The quasi-long figure of Yu Xiu stood up from the dining table, turned around, and walked in front of Ye Mingmei.

  "Do you think that after last night, do I still lack any handle on my hand?"

  Yun Xiuzun reached out and pinched Ye Mingmei's chin, her thin lips approached her face, and a kiss was placed on her lips.

   "At nine o'clock in the evening, come by yourself, one minute late, you know the consequences."


  The blood of Ye Mingmei's face faded clean in an instant, and her delicate face became pale.

   Biting her lip tightly, making a fist with both hands.

  Hate ran out of his eyes, staring at the man in front of him fiercely.

  I don’t know how long it took before I left with a mechanical step.

  Walking into the yard, the sun was shining on her body, it was warm, she raised her head, the bright sun stabbed people's eyes.

  Ye Mingmei's whole body seemed to be soaked in ice water, and she couldn't feel any warmth.



   Ye Mingmei did not dare to return to Ye's house, and indeed the clothes on her body could cover the traces left by Yu Xiuzhun last night, so she rushed to the group first.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the door, he ran into Jin Chenye who had rushed back and blinked in surprise.

  "You are here too, how is the situation of the group?"

  Jin Chenye wears a white suit, handsome and extraordinary, with a warm look on his face, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

  With such a man, you don’t need to do much, you can feel at ease.

  Compared with Xie Ning's Yu Xiu Zhuan, the two people are completely two extremes.

Ye Mingmei shook her head, got rid of all the messy thoughts, and stepped forward, "When I got off work last night, the media's remarks were under control, and I just arrived. I don't know if the chain restaurant's turnover has picked up today. "

"Go in and have a look. I rushed back this time because I wanted to hold a food exhibition as soon as possible. Now the supply of goods is stable. Our large-scale events can not only prove to the outside world that there is nothing wrong with Yip’s business, but also use this time The attention caused by the crisis has earned a lot of attention and offered free promotion to Yip's restaurant chain."

   "When Dad was there, he planned related activities. I remember that the PR department has several files. I will adjust the information later and let the PR department have a meeting to discuss."

  Ye Mingmei became rigorous as soon as she mentioned her work.

   Wei Wei hesitated for a while, and then asked, "You are back, what about Qin Youxuan? Why didn't she come back with you?"


  Jin Chenye paused, turned his head and glanced at Ye Mingmei, his eyes flickered, "She stays on the farm and has other tasks."

  There is Shan Hanjie here, I'm afraid he won't be back so soon.


  PS: End of today. Plot trailer: Shan Hanjie: I am your first man. (^o^)/~

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