365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1507: I don't have to be you!

   "You... let go... open..."

  Qin Youxuan's painful struggle did not make Shan Hanjie take a step back, but instead forced her to step forward and pressed her petite body to the wall.

   lowered her head and bit her neck.


  Qin Youxuan took a painful breath, the smell of blood came from his nose, and her eyebrows were tightly twisted together.

  Close his eyes weakly.

  The tight body relaxed for a moment, like a puddle of mud, letting Shan Hanjie do whatever he wanted.

   "Qin Youxuan, don't look at yourself too high, I don't have to be you!"

  Shan Hanjie let go abruptly, his stalwart body turned and left in strides.


  Qin Youxuan lost all support and slipped off the wall at once.

   sat down on the ground, curled up into a ball, hugged his knees with both hands, looking forward anxiously.

  He said, he doesn’t have to be her.

  She knew it a long time ago.

  Otherwise he would not hesitate to pull the trigger at her father.

   That shot shattered all the possibilities between them. He knew the result, so he did it...

  I don't know how long he has been sitting on the ground, Qin Youxuan stood up while supporting the wall.

  Out of the low building, only to find that Fang Hua had been waiting outside.

  Qin Youxuan remembered his purpose of staying here, and the cat's eyes flashed slightly.

  "Miss Qin, a cure for the spread of fungus has been found. Today's fruits and vegetables have not died anymore, the problem has been solved!" Fang Hua immediately moved forward when he saw Qin Youxuan.

   “Speaking of which, the doctors of the expert group still have a way. I just provided some data, and they can come up with a new plan immediately. I don’t know how Jie Shao got all these experts..."

   Fang Hua was talking, and his eyes were all worshipping Shan Hanjie.

  The people brought by Shan Hanjie not only solved the problem of the farm, but also sent out all the backlog of goods.

  Otherwise, what the Ye family will lose this time is not only money, but also the reputation accumulated over decades.

  Fang Hua has been busy working on Ye's farm for most of his life, so he naturally knows the relationship.

   "...Are all the members of the expert group gone?" Qin Youxuan was sluggish for several seconds before regaining her senses, and asked quietly.

   "All gone." Fang Hua clapped his hands, as if suddenly remembering something, "Miss Qin, it's noon now, you haven't eaten breakfast, do you want to eat first?"

   "No, there is no problem with the farm. I will go back first. I am afraid I need an explanation from the media."

  Qin Youxuan is indescribable panic as long as he thinks of getting along with Shan Hanjie in this place.

   confirmed the situation of the farm with Fang Hua, immediately asked someone to arrange a car, packed up the luggage and left.

  When Shan Hanjie received the news, she had already boarded the car and left the Ye family’s farm.

   "Jie Shao, my grandmother has gone. It looks like she is a little gloomy." Fang Hua stood in front of a sunflower garden, looking at Shan Hanjie who stood alone, and leaned respectfully.

  Shan Hanjie's figure moved slightly, turned around, and glanced at him.

   "This time, was it accidental or man-made?"

  Dan Hanjie's thin lips opened slightly, and every word was a touch of coldness.

Fang Hua was startled slightly, and then replied respectfully, "The farm has always been managed by his subordinates. It can be quite certain that the problem with the crops is insect damage, but the road was bombed and Ye's expert team was robbed. It's artificial."

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