A touch of terror flashed under his eyes.

  The light on his face looked like fear and hatred.

  This man ruined her, and now he puts the target in the Ye family. Is it true that everything she cares about must be destroyed by one hand before he will be satisfied?

  Ye Mingmei clenched her hands into fists tightly, wishing to stare out the person on the screen.


  The siren suddenly sounded, shocking everyone in the office.

   "There is a situation, everyone is alert, and lock the location of the alarm." Ye Mingmei got nervous and quickly stood up.

  As soon as she stepped on the ground, her ankle tingling came from her, which reminded her of her ankle injury and fell back on the chair.

   "Miss, I found it, it is the second district, which happens to be the area where Mr. Jin is. The alarm should have been sent by him, and the security has been rushed over for the first time."

  The assistant said excitedly.

   Ye Mingmei breathed a sigh of relief when someone rushed past.

   Soon, the security guard escorted a sneaky man into the monitoring room.

  The person who followed in was Jin Chenye with a gloomy look.

  "Who is this person?" Ye Mingmei got up from the chair, and stood by the table.

"A person trying to get into the food." Jin Chenye kicked the person down, the gentle expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a touch of coldness, "Call the police, cut off the monitoring just now, and hand it over together. The police handle it."

   "Yes, Mr. Jin."

  Following Jin Chenye's security, she set up people and dragged them out.

  "Did you find any suspicious characters on the monitor?" Jin Chenye turned his head to look at the sluggish Ye Mingmei, his voice softened.

  It was the first time that Xu saw Jin Chenye beating people. Ye Mingmei was a little surprised. After a while, she reacted.

   "Yes, the most suspicious person is that Yu Xiu is right, but he has been in the lobby of the venue, and it seems that he has not gone to the dining area." Ye Mingmei pointed to the monitor.

   "How could he be such a cautious person personally, I am afraid he is only here to cover people's eyes and eyes." Jin Chenye snorted coldly, and the hostility in his eyes suddenly appeared.

  If he hadn't expected someone to take advantage of this time and set up the net, I am afraid this poisoning would completely ruin the reputation of the Ye family restaurant.

"As soon as the police investigation results come out, the draft statement will be issued immediately to let consumers know that the problems that Yip’s recent emergence are not the problems of the group’s own operations, but that someone is deliberately doing tricks to let the public supervise us, and at the same time believe We must be able to deal with such a frame-up."

   "Also, notify the various catering departments that they must be vigilant and prevent any face from contacting the ingredients used in today's food exhibition."

   "In addition..."

  Jin Chenye stood with his bare hands, and conveyed the instructions clearly and forcefully downwards.

  The warm eyes flickered slightly, and between the hands, it seemed to be able to point the country.

  Ye Mingmei was silly, she always thought Jin Chenye was a good gentleman, even when she was angry, she wouldn’t speak too badly.

  Today was the first time she saw him angry, and the first time she noticed that when he became strong, he was so strange...and so admirable.

   "What happened to the foot?"

  Jin Chenye looked at Ye Mingmei after watching his assistant relay his instructions.

   saw her slightly raised ankle, and raised her eyebrows.

   "Walking too fast, I accidentally twisted it." Ye Mingmei, like a kid who did something wrong, lowered her head with a guilty conscience.

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