"I look at you this way, what are you hiding?" Yu Xiu Zhun saw you and her resisting appearance, and was not angry.

  "Don't move, I can't eat you." Yu Xiuzhun groaned, stood up, walked to the cabinet, reached out a bottle of ointment from the bedside table.

  Opening the lid, the strong smell of Chinese medicine rushes into the nose.

  Ye Mingmei's body stiffened, she looked at the thing in his hand with some horror, and she trembled, "What is this?"

   Staying with Yu Xiuzhun was too frightened.

   Ye Mingmei has reached the point where her nerves must be tightened at all times, and his every move will scare her.

  "A good medicine that you can't buy with money, you can see the bone wounds. It can heal very well after half a month of rubbing. It is really a waste to give you a bruise."

  Yunxiu snorted coldly, but he didn't see a large piece of painful cut out, and put the bruise on Ye Mingmei's hand to spread her evenly.

  The cold touch made Ye Mingmei squinted her eyes.

   "It has nothing to do with me being poisoned at the Yejia Food Exhibition." Yu Xiu opened his lips suddenly and said something irrelevant. He turned his head and glanced at Ye Mingmei before throwing the ointment in his hand back into the drawer.


   Ye Mingmei didn't react at once, and blinked at him.

  Is he explaining to her? Will Yu Xiuzun also explain to others?

   Ye Mingmei touched the man's dangerous eyes and lowered her head subconsciously.

   "Then what are you going to do at the food show? I remember that no one invited you, you won't just go there inexplicably." Ye Mingmei was surprised that he would explain, but he still had doubts in his heart.

   "Go to the theater, can't you?" Yu Xiu quacked his lips evilly, and approached Ye Mingmei, "Go and see if you are too scared to speak because of me."


   Ye Mingmei bit her lip, her eyes filled with anger, and pinched her palm to hold back.

   "The food exhibition has nothing to do with you, who did it?"

"What's wrong with me, why should I tell you? Ye Zhan died and the Ye family's foundation is unstable. At this time, everyone wants to take advantage, and everyone is possible. Why do you think it is me? You want to have something to do with me. ?"

  Yu Xiu quasi squinted his evil eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

   "I don't believe you, and you can't be trusted." Ye Mingmei bit her lip and opened it with confidence.

  Yun Xiuzhun gave a fierce look, and then opened his mouth to explain.

   "Even if the food exhibition has nothing to do with you, do you dare to say that the incident at Yejia Farm has nothing to do with you?" Ye Mingmei would rather trust Jin Chenye than Yu Xiuzun.


  "I’ve heard from the seniors that the insect pests on the Yejia Farm were caused by their own cultivation. However, the road bombing and the leakage of information were all deliberately targeted at the Ye family. The most suspected person is the Yu family.

  Yujia is equivalent to Yu Xiuzhun.

  Now the entire family is in his hands, who dares to play tricks behind his back.

   Ye Mingmei fixedly looked at him, wanting to see a little guilty conscience from the bottom of his eyes.

  Who knows that Yu Xiuquan raised her eyebrows, reached out her hand and woked her chin, coldly said, "Senior? The name is Real Little Bird Yiren, who is it?"


   Ye Mingmei was choked.

  Isn’t the point who is behind the scenes?

  It does not matter who the senior Guan is.

  What is his focus...

   Ye Mingmei’s jaw hurts as if he is about to be removed. She grabbed his wrists nervously with both hands, opened her mouth, and found that she could not speak at all.

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