365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1525: No one thinks you are dumb if you don't speak

   "I'm asking what's wrong with your feet, what are you running?" Yu Xiuzun hit the mattress with a bang, and Ye Mingmei was so frightened that she hugged her head with her hands.

  It took a few seconds before he realized what he said just now.

   "I'm here, it has nothing to do with you."

   Ye Mingmei said weakly.

  As soon as the voice fell, Yu Xiuzhun squatted down and pressed her hand on her ankle.


   Ye Mingmei instinctively took a breath, her small face was so painful that she wrinkled like a bun.

  In the next second, Yu Xiuzhun stood up, walked to the closet, and changed his clothes calmly.

   Folded and walked back, slapped her sideways, and strode out.

  "Where are you taking me? Yu Xiuzhun, I want to go home..."

   "Shut up, I will throw you downstairs again!" Yu Xiu snarled viciously, and in a blink of an eye he carried Ye Mingmei out of the villa.

  The car drove out in the direction of the hospital.

  Getting out of the car, Ye Mingmei was still held firmly in his arms.

   Accepting the attention of passers-by all the way, shyly buried his face in Yu Xiuzhun's chest.

  Yun Xiuzhun discovered for the first time that she would actively rely on him, and the corners of her mouth raised and laughed unconsciously, her arms were slightly tightened, and she stepped up to the doctor's duty room.

  The assistant came upon hearing the news and went through all the formalities in advance.

   "Yu Shao, please here." The attending physician respectfully welcomed people in.

   "It's not that I am sick, it is her." Brigadier Yu Xiu put Ye Mingmei on the chair and pointed at her ankle, "I twisted my hand clumsily and it was very swollen. Let's see what's going on."

   "...I am not clumsy." Ye Mingmei whispered.

   To the evil eyes of Shang Yuxiu Quasi-cold Bird, he shut his mouth again.

  If he hadn't tossed her hard, her foot injury would not have become so serious.

  He still thinks she is clumsy.

   Ye Mingmei red eyes, not wanting to pay attention to him.

  The doctor didn't dare to ask more, stepped forward, and carefully checked Ye Mingmei.

   "It should be that the ankle is a bit misaligned. You have to take a film to see the situation before you know how to deal with it." The doctor quickly stood up in front of Ye Mingmei and ordered the nurse next to her to take Ye Mingmei down for an examination.

"You are blind and didn't see that she sprained her foot? What else can you see if you can walk, don't you need to move a wheelchair over!" When Yu Xiu Zhun saw Ye Mingmei about to get up, he cursed immediately and kicked him. On the doctor's knee.

   "Yes, yes, I didn't think about it well."

  The doctor trembled, and hurriedly asked the nurse to move the wheelchair.

   Ye Mingmei wanted to say no, she thought about Shang Yuxiu's unpleasant eyes, and shut up.

  He didn't just scold her anyway.

  After the filming was finished, the doctor hadn't read it, so Yu Xiuzun picked it up and glanced at it first.

   "You don't understand, what's so interesting." Ye Mingmei caught a glimpse of his behavior and couldn't help but complain.

   Seeing him look so seriously, it seems that he really understands.


  As soon as Ye Mingmei finished speaking, she saw Yu Xiuzhun raising his hand and knocking on her forehead.

   "No one who doesn't speak will treat you as dumb." Yu Xiu Zhunjian handed the film to the doctor, "The bones are not misaligned, it should be just a strain. Fix her and prescribe some anti-swelling medicine."


  Does he really know how to watch?

   Ye Mingmei was stunned, as if she had discovered a new world.

   Then he looked at the doctor in fear, "Don't listen to him nonsense, but take a good look. I twisted it several times and it was so swollen. Could it be that my bones are misplaced?"

  Yu Xiuzhun must be nonsense.

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