Sure enough, she is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, a woman with no conscience!


  Yejia Food Exhibition ended smoothly.

  The perfect love affair between Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan is in the front. This time the food exhibition has attracted great attention.

  People from all walks of life are discussing how the Ye family’s crisis public relations dealt with this time is very beautiful, not only through the crisis smoothly, but also advertised once for free.

  Dan Hanjie has risen from a national male **** to an unattainable height.

  He looked at Qin Youxuan's expression with affection, and the photos of the two kissing each other... They were liked by countless netizens, and they were downloaded as computer and mobile desktops.

  Qin Youxuan became number one in the list of the most jealous women overnight.

  Ye’s Group also swept away the previous haze, and the stock price began to recover from the trough. In just one morning, the market has begun to show a straight upward trend.

   But soon, a video went viral on the Internet, and the situation that was gradually clear was brought back to the haze.

"I didn't mean it. Someone gave me money and asked me to poison me. The person who gave me the money was the Ye family’s eldest lady. She said that as long as I poisoned the Ye family’s food exhibition, she was caught again. , You can push the Ye family's poisonous fruits and vegetables to me, and after the limelight passes, and then cancel the lawsuit, I will be fine..."

  "I only now know that she wants to cross the river to demolish the bridge, so I told the truth. This incident is basically the public relations method of the Ye Family. I am also a momentary fascination..."

  The drug offender who was sent to the police station by Jin Chenye, when faced with the police interrogation, unexpectedly made allegations that no one expected.


   Ye Mingmei put the remote control heavily on the coffee table and stood up excitedly.

  "He is talking nonsense! I have never seen this person, how could I give him money to poison the food in Yejia Restaurant?"

   "Mingmei, your feet are not good yet, don't get excited!" Su Yiru walked to her nervously and pulled her.

  Ye’s food exhibition has ended. Ye Mingmei injured her foot, so she simply stayed at home to rest.

  Who expected to see such a video, suddenly became extremely angry.

   "Mom, that person is talking nonsense. I don't know him at all. How could I give him money and let him poison Ye's restaurant? That is the property my father left behind. How could I..."

   "I know I know, it must be a rumor. Please calm down first. I will call Youxuan to see how the company is going."

  When Su Yiru saw such a video, he realized that there was something wrong, and quickly asked the housekeeper to call Qin Youxuan.


  Ye Mingmei’s cell phone rang before the housekeeper’s phone was dialed.

   "It's Qin Youxuan."

   Ye Mingmei grabbed the phone and quickly answered the call.

   "I haven't bought anyone to poison Ye's restaurant. Believe me, I haven't seen that person at all. He is talking nonsense!"

"I know, I just want to confirm with you whether you have recently paid a large sum of money, or transferred money to someone. I am afraid that the other party will have your payment receipt in hand. I am afraid that it will be indefatigable by the time. "

  Qin Youxuan's voice seemed very calm.

  There is no anger and questioning that Ye Mingmei imagined.

  She never even doubted her.

   Ye Mingmei's impetuous mood suddenly became calm.

  Thinking about it again, bit her lip, "No, I haven't been shopping since Dad died."

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