365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1530: What it's like to be hung

   Before Qin Youxuan refused, he added, “If you still want the cooperation between Ye’s and Fei Dengla, you’d better think it through before answering me.”

   "What do you mean? Shan Hanjie, do you also know that cooperation case? Tomorrow's dinner is related to Federa?" Qin Youxuan got nervous and asked several questions one after another.

  Shan Hanjie listened to her anxious tone, the corner of her mouth twitched, and he hung up the phone.

  Leaving Qin Youxuan anxiously jumping on the other side of the phone.

   called him back again.


  The phone rang on the desktop again and again, Shan Hanjie glanced at the caller ID, tapped his long finger on the screen, but did not answer.

   should also let her know what it's like to be hung up.

  He just spoils her too much to let lawlessness.

"Jie Shao, the entire group attaches great importance to this cooperation case. Fei Dengla is the European food magnate and will have a decisive role in Shan's future entry into the European market. Once the cooperation case is lost, the board of directors must be held accountable, plus Shan Yi Playing tricks on the back is probably a game for Jie Shao."

  As soon as Shan Hanjie hung up, Yao couldn't help but remind.

  Jie Shao Pain, and my grandmother’s pain is so painful, but the struggle between the two big groups is not a playhouse. If one is not careful, Shan's will be involved, and then Shan Hanjie will have to face more responsibilities.

  Just the disclosure of a confidential group cooperation case may lead to lawsuits.

   "Who told you that I want to surrender the cooperation case?" Shan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, dazzlingly glanced sideways, his eyes full of discomfort.

  He doesn't like others to guess his mind.

   "Subordinates overwhelmed, but Jie Shao just called the young grandma and asked her to accompany you to the reception banquet. Isn't it necessary to let the cooperation case come out?" Yao was completely stunned.

  Let Qin Youxuan know that they are competitors in this cooperation case, but refuse to let the cooperation case happen. Isn't it obvious that Qin Youxuan hates him?

  How could Jie Shao do such a stupid thing.

  "Ten brains for you, you can't guess that I want to see my wife. Take down the file and prepare as I said." Shan Hanjie took his long fingers together, and his stalwart body leaned back in the chair.

   reached out and pressed his tired eyebrows.

  Without their mother and son’s villa, he lost the taste of home.

   has no appeal.

  In my mind, the picture of this morning appeared.

  He clearly saw that her hand had been raised, but finally it dropped.

  Is it so hard to forgive?


  Shan Hanjie hit the table with a punch, and the table shook.

  The next second, he stood up abruptly, grabbed his jacket and walked out.

   "Jie Shao, are you going back to the villa?"

   "Go to Fifth Chosen." Shan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and his lips opened indifferently.



  Early in the morning, Qin Youxuan got up with a pair of panda eyes.

  As long as she thinks of Shan Hanjie’s phone call yesterday, she can’t sleep nervously.

  Whoever the competitor is replaced by, she would not be so emboldened, but Shan Hanjie.

  She knows him too well, and how terrifying this man is.

  He designs a person, but the design is silent and silent, fighting him, she has no chance to win.

   "Youxuan, what's wrong with your eyes, they are so swollen like this!" Su Yiru always got up early, and when she was about to hug Xiao Tingye in Qin Youxuan's room, she met by the door.

   Exclaimed in surprise at Qin Youxuan's red cat eyes.

   "I didn't sleep well." Qin Youxuan was startled slightly, and then let Su Yiru go in and hug the child.

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