365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1536: Can't guess Shan Hanjie's mind


  Qin Youxuan was pinched by him suddenly and couldn't help screaming.

  Dan Hanjie was still whispering in her ears with evil interest, "You scream, here, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."


  Qin Youxuan raised his elbow and directly hit his chin.

  Dan Hanjie retreated, his hands were still tightly clasped to her waist, his body turned over, and he turned into a female upper part and a male lower part.

  The coquettish Zitong shone with a strange light, "My wife, you like this posture, I'm all OK!"


  Qin Youxuan's lungs are about to explode.

  Lifted up his knees forcefully, just about to touch him, Shan Hanjie stretched his legs and directly blocked it.

   "Come on, this is no joke, it breaks, what can you do with your sexual well-being for the rest of your life?"

  Said Hanjie, still approaching her, squeezing her cheek.

  Qin Youxuan's pretty face was slightly embarrassed, and suddenly flushed transparently.

   "You let me go!"

   "You are holding me now." Shan Hanjie put his hands behind his head, and looked at the person riding on his waist, his eyes darkened for an instant.


  Qin Youxuan was stunned, before realizing that she was really holding onto Shan Hanjie’s collar.

   Like an electric shock, he slammed his hands back, turned over and jumped out of the bed, and sorted out his clothes.

   glared at Shan Hanjie, turned around and left.

  "I bet Feyden will call you within an hour and ask you to talk about the cooperation case. If you leave now, I will be the one who is near the water and the terrace."

  Dan Hanjie glanced at her and closed his eyes leisurely.

  Qin Youxuan's footsteps stopped suddenly, and turned to look at him.

  Dan Hanjie seemed not to care at all, with his slender legs folded, just lying on the bed to rest.

  Qin Youxuan hesitated for several seconds before walking to the sofa farthest from him and sitting down, but his eyes never left the man on the bed.

  She really didn’t understand what he was thinking.


  It was earlier than Shan Hanjie's estimate. Within half an hour, Qin Youxuan's cell phone rang.

   is an unfamiliar phone.

  Qin Youxuan's first reaction was to look at Shan Hanjie, and found that Shan Hanjie had already sat up, and leaned against the bedside, with evil eyes and glanced at her inadvertently.

   "No answer yet, what are you waiting for?"


  Qin Youxuan answered the phone with a touch of a white finger.

  "Ms. Qin, I am Mr. Federer’s special assistant. Mr. Federer wants to see you alone now. I don’t know if it is convenient for you to come over. There is an open-air cafe on the top floor of the hotel where you just ate."


  Qin Youxuan grasped the phone tightly, and looked at Shan Hanjie in shock.

  Actually, as he guessed, Federa really found her.

   "Of course, I'm in the hotel right now, and I will be there in ten minutes." Qin Youxuan hung up, did not get up the first time, but looked at Shan Hanjie.

   "Feeden Lay invited me to meet at the open-air cafe on the top floor."

  "Hurry up then, let's see what I do." Shan Hanjie picked up his eyebrows, disapproving.

  It seems that Qin Youxuan’s business has nothing to do with him.

   "If I go, Mr. Federa will probably agree to cooperate with Ye's. What are you thinking about?" Qin Youxuan calmed down, got up from the sofa, and walked to him.

  Shan Hanjie put his legs on the side of the bed, turned over and sat up suddenly.

   reached out and grabbed the back of Qin Youxuan's head, and pulled her in front of her, her nose touching the tip of her nose, exhaling like charm.

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