"What about the ink wind?"

Su Yiru spoke eagerly, staring at Shan Hanjie's back, "Mofeng is the right-hand man in the execution of punishment. He should have appeared long ago when he knew that there was an accident in the execution of punishment. But until now, I haven't seen him, even in the Ye family When fighting for the right to inheritance, he didn't pay attention to it. There was only one possibility that he was caught up."


   "What can be more important than the inheritance rights of the Ye family must be related to the exhibition punishment!" Su Yiru said confidently.

  Ink wind...

  The shadow in the Fifth Xianxian Experimental Building somehow stopped him.

   "What does it have to do with me?"

Shan Hanjie turned around and curled her lips coldly, "It doesn't matter to me how you like to guess, but I advise you to swallow these words in your stomach. If you let Youxuan hear them, I won't let you go. !"

  "Why are you afraid that she would know? Shan Hanjie, you know that Yuxuan can't let you go, but because of her father's death, she can't accept you, let her know that you have difficulties, maybe you can still be together..."

  "I have never had any difficulties. I fired that shot and I have not regretted it so far! Even if there is no design for that, sooner or later I will demand Ye Zhan's punishment. This is a fact!"

  Shan Hanjie walked to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door.

   Seeing Qin Youxuan standing outside the door, her tall body was shocked.

  She didn't know how much she had heard, and she could not see a little blood on her pretty face.

  Holding tightly on the skirt of the nightgown with both hands.

  Too hard, even my fingertips started to turn white.


  Su Yiru did not expect that she would stand outside the door, and was taken aback.

  Hui moved his lips, trying to explain something, but didn't know where to start.

  In the next second, Shan Hanjie picked her up and strode back to the room.

  Leave a stunned Su Yiru, stunned in place.


   "Shan Hanjie, what you just said is true. You still hate my dad and want him to pay for his life?"

  Qin Youxuan sat on the edge of the bed blankly, looking up at the man standing in front of her.

  His harsh words seemed to be floating in his ears.


  Hearing her asking, Shan Hanjie breathed a sigh of relief.

  It seems that she was discovered just when she arrived.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes fell on the crib, the little guy sweetly asleep.

  The shot at the time was replaced by his son's life.

  How many times, his decision will not change.

  Unless Ye Zhanxing can survive, no amount of excuses will be able to solve her knot, and it will only make two people suffer together.

  Dan Hanjie stepped forward, reaching out to hug her, but was pushed away by Qin Youxuan.

"Do not touch me!"


   "I don't want to listen to anything!" Qin Youxuan's eyes were red, and her hands were holding her head. The nerves that have been loosened these days have been tightened for an instant.

   "Shan Hanjie, if you can't let go of your hatred, why do you still come to me? I am your enemy's daughter, and this is your enemy's home! You go, you go to me!"

  Qin Youxuan stood up from the bed, turned around and began to pack his clothes from the closet.

  She stuffed Shan Hanjie's things into the box and pulled them all in front of him.

   "The Ye family doesn't welcome you, you go!"


  Shan Hanjie looked at her forbearing tears, stepped forward, and pressed her into his arms.

  "Shan Hanjie, you let go, I don’t want you to comfort me... Why did you hurt me and appear in front of me as if nothing had happened? Is it a matter of the cooperation case, which was designed by you alone, I... um!

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