Get the car from the garage and drive straight back.

  Opened the headquarters of the Shan’s consortium before calling Qin Youxuan.

  The call went through, but no one answered it.

  Shan Hanjie's eyes flickered slightly, and he called the housekeeper back.

   "Where is she?"

  Dan Hanjie raised his eyebrows, thinking that Qin Youxuan would go to the villa to find him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

  I asked him to go out yesterday, and I was eager to find him today. I must have heard about the Shan’s consortium.

  She was worried about him.

  This recognition made Shan Hanjie’s face softened in an instant.

  Wanted that Qin Youxuan was right in front of him now, and could hug her into her arms fiercely.

   "Hui Jie Shao, the young lady has already left, and she seems to be looking for you. The subordinates saw her look very anxious, so they called the secretary."

"Find me?"

  Dan Hanjie's eyes tightened.

  Where will Qin Youxuan look for him?

   is mostly a company.

  Dan Hanjie slowed down, ready to wait for the traffic light to pass, and turn at the intersection ahead.

  Instead of looking for her everywhere, it is better to return to the company and wait.

  His speed dropped, and the two cars behind him suddenly chased him from left to right.

  The windows are all closed, and the speed is a bit reckless.

  The light from the corner of Shan Hanjie’s eyes swept across the windshield on the right, reflecting a touch of metallic light, and his nerves were horrified.

  Turn the steering wheel and quickly leaned down.

  A muffled noise brushed past his ears, Shan Hanjie quickly raised his head, only to see a hole punched in his car mat.

  On the right side of the car, the originally closed window was cracked, and a silencer gun was re-aiming.


  Shan Hanjie accelerated and rammed directly to the right.

  Two cars rubbed one and separated quickly.

  Shan Hanjie stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow leaving the string.

  The car on the left was chasing him, and both cars were chasing his speed desperately.

  Dan Hanjie looked behind him through the rearview mirror, his eyes screamed.

  Very good, he was also worried that Shan Yi would deal with Qin Youxuan's mother and son, but he didn't expect that he would be so uncomfortable and would directly attack him.

  Shan Hanjie’s hand was under the floor of the cart, took out a gun, and loaded it.

  Raise the speed to the fastest speed and drive towards the area with less crowds.


   "Shan Hanjie..."

  Qin Youxuan's car had just passed the traffic light not far from the Shan's consortium and saw a familiar sports car passing by.

   was stunned, then turned the front of the car and chased it up.

   took the phone to call him, but no one answered.

   "Why don't you answer the phone." Qin Youxuan bit her lip and stepped on the accelerator.

  Thinking that Shan Hanjie was in a bad mood, so she didn’t want to see her, and she became more worried.

   chasing his car one after another.

  After three intersections, Qin Youxuan noticed that Shan Hanjie’s car had been following two cars, and the cat squinted.

  She speeded up to catch up. When she was approaching, she saw the muzzle sticking out of the window of the car on the left, and she almost didn't scream.

   "Shan Hanjie, be careful!"

  Qin Youxuan was anxious, and the front of the car directly hit the car on the left.

  The car turned off.

  The car in front only bumped a bit, and continued to chase Shan Hanjie.

  Qin Youxuan's face turned pale, and before he recovered from the shock just now, she trembled and started the car again and caught up.

  The phone rang when the car didn’t drive for a while.

  Qin Youxuan caught a glimpse of the caller ID above and was ecstatic.

   "Shan Hanjie, be careful, someone is going to kill you..."

   "Go! Get out of here now!"

  Shan Hanjie yelled, and the phone hung up.

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