365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1559: Protect the man she loves with her life

  She was anxious, stepped on the gas pedal to the end, and followed.

   "Shan Hanjie, it's okay, you stop!" Qin Youxuan looked at Shan Hanjie, who was no longer in danger but the speed was getting faster and faster, and shouted in shock.

   "Get off, don't follow me!"

  Shan Hanjie found her and immediately turned his head and yelled at her.


  Qin Youxuan was startled by his roar, and the car slowed down.

  I took a closer look and found that the road ahead was under maintenance warning signs, and the road less than one kilometer ahead had been demolished.

  If Shan Hanjie drives in this way, something will happen!

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes tightened, and he couldn't care to think carefully about what was going on, and hurriedly chased after him.

  Even if she was used to seeing such a scene next to Shan Hanjie, she still couldn't help but keep her palms wet.

  I was so nervous that I could hardly grasp the steering wheel.

  Not to mention his face, it was already pale, not much different from a dead person.

  The petite body was shaking slightly, but seeing that Shan Hanjie had not stopped, he could only grit his teeth and continue chasing after him.

  When she approached, she realized that Shan Hanjie’s right foot had been stepping on the brake.

  Qin Youxuan's nerves froze, and her mind has never been so clear as it is now.

  His brake is broken!

Less than 500 meters in front of    is a huge hole after the road has been cleared.

   "Qin Youxuan, stop for me, stay away from me, do you hear it!" Shan Hanjie saw her following again, his eyes split.

  The stalwart body is close to the car cushion, the right hand is holding the steering wheel, and the left hand is ready to unfasten the seat belt.

   "No! Shan Hanjie, the speed is so fast, if you jump, you will be disabled if you don’t die!"

  Qin Youxuan's cat's eyes tightened, biting her lip fiercely, looking at his handsome face close in front of him, but the two of them seemed to be separated by a space...

  Qin Youxuan's heart is full, and the speed of the sports car is soaring to the extreme, overtaking from his left side.

   At the position close to the front of his car, he quickly crossed to the right, and the whole car stopped directly in front of Shan Hanjie's car.

  Qin Youxuan subconsciously let go of the steering wheel, too late to think at all, holding her head tightly with her hands.


  Dan Hanjie watched as his car slammed into her car, screaming heartbreakingly.


  The collision of the two cars directly pulled out nearly a hundred meters of dragging scratches on the ground.

  Huge impact, the airbags of top sports cars bounced out.

  A burst of gunpowder smoke filled, and the dust and smoke brought up by the wind gradually subsided after several minutes.


  Qin Youxuan, lying on the steering wheel, moved, feeling paralyzed all over.

  She didn’t even know if she was injured.

  There is a fog in front of me, and I can't see where the coldness is.

  After a while, she reluctantly raised her hand and pushed the airbag in front of her.

  The hand instinctively touched the position of the car door, and pressed it once, and the car lock was unlocked.

  Qin Youxuan moved her numb legs, and fell from the car door abruptly.

   Rolled on the ground twice, and there was warm liquid left on the forehead.

  She touched her hand and put it in front of her eyes, only to find that her head was bleeding.

   raised his head and looked at the deformed car that was completely hit by the front passenger seat, feeling lingering.

  It’s only a little bit worse. If you change the direction, she will be the one who has been knocked into meatloaf...

  Qin Youxuan was so excited that she didn't even dare to think about it, staggering to her feet.

   glanced at the car behind.

   "Shan Hanjie..."

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