She doesn’t have to worry that it is because of her that Shan Hanjie is tired.

   "I never think you are a drag." Shan Hanjie saw her thoughts and opened her lips indifferently.

   reached out to her.

  "I hope that Shan Yi can be sentenced for commercial crimes, that would be fine." Qin Youxuan still ignored him and continued to look down at the news.

   "Qin Youxuan, I am in pain." Shan Hanjie suddenly exclaimed.

  Qin Youxuan was taken aback, quickly put down the tablet, and walked to him, "Is the wound uncomfortable again? I'll let Fifth Xianxian come over and show you."

  Just as Qin Youxuan was about to turn around, Shan Hanjie took her into his arms.

  The chin rests on her shoulder.

   "The feet are fine, but you ignore me, my heart aches."


  Dan Hanjie, you can be naive and boring!

   actually dared to play with her.

  Qin Youxuan bulged her cheeks and grinds her teeth.

   "I'm sleepy, accompany me to sleep for a while." Shan Hanjie stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows, revealing fatigue.

  Qin Youxuan felt relieved at once.

   Putting the tablet aside, he lay down beside him.

  A family of three squeezed into one bed.

  Fortunately, it is a special hospital bed, otherwise I can’t sleep.

  Qin Youxuan looked up at Xiao Tingye uneasy, and found that he was still lying obediently on Shan Hanjie’s chest before she felt relieved and rubbed his arms.

   Rare warmth, spreading in the huge ward.


  Night, gradually getting deeper.

  The lounge in the hospital building.

  Ruihua hugged the pillow, and she has been back and forth in the corridor for many times.

  At the thought of going to warm up the bed for Fifth Chosen, her teeth were itchy with anger.

   stomped his feet and started wandering in the corridor again, just not wanting to enter his room.

  A white cotton nightdress, her long curly hair is tied into a head bag, and her slightly ignorant eyes make her a lot cute.

   also held a huge pillow in her arms, covering half of her face.

  Fortunately, the patient number on the top floor has been packaged, otherwise her dress will make people see it and think she has seen a ghost.

   "The first annoyance..."

   Rui Wei muttered, while piercing a villain in her heart.

   didn't pay attention at all, just at the corner of the corridor, the black figure of Fifth Chosen was hidden in the dark, watching her struggle.

  I did not step forward for a long time.

  "No matter what, I can afford to win and lose, so I can't shrink back, otherwise I will be laughed at by nasty ghosts in the future. Warm the bed and warm the bed. What's so great!"

   Rui Hua took a deep breath, as if made up his mind, and strode towards the lounge of the fifth choice.

  Went to the door and found her embarrassing.

  She doesn’t have the key, and Fifth Zexian hasn’t returned. How can she go in and warm him up?

   "Really, I can't brush my face and go in. Why didn't I leave the key." Rui Wei muttered angrily, just leaning against the door and squatting down to wait for the fifth choice.

  When she thought for a while she would warm him up in front of Fifth Chosen, Rui Wei became hot all over.

  It's not shy, it's shy and angry!

  Her dignified daughter of the Adolf family's most favored daughter, she actually fell to the point of warming people's bed, and she couldn't bear to look directly at it.


  Rui Hua was thinking, when her body suddenly fell backward, she fell into it.

  He chuckled in his heart and almost screamed.

  When she recovered, she found that the room of Fifth Chosen was not locked at all.

   "So there is no sense of safety, even the door is not locked." Rui Hua got up, patted his butt, and went to look for the switch.

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