"When I wanted to come in, I found your husband and wife hugging each other. I was not afraid that you were shy, so I waited outside." Rui Wei pouted and followed Qin Youxuan into the ward.

   walked to Shan Hanjie and checked the infusion situation and the bandages on his feet.

   "It will be removed soon, and the wound will be almost healed, and rehabilitation can begin. It will be more painful during rehabilitation than it is now. It is best to be psychologically prepared."

  Ruiwei prepared the medicine for Shan Hanjie, put it in the medicine box next to it, and covered it.

After reminding Qin Youxuan, he was ready to leave.

   "Do you have anything else to do? You have been walking in such a hurry these days." Qin Youxuan grabbed her hand and looked up and down Rui Wei with inquiring eyes.

  She found that not only the fifth choice was weird, even when Rui Wei was alone, she was also weird.

  What happened to these two people?

   "...It's not very busy, just go to the pharmacy to practice hands." Rui Huan said.

  "Pharmacy? Practice hands?" Qin Youxuan frowned, looking at her in confusion.

   "I'm practicing grabbing medicine with my bare hands." Rui Hua's tone became even more resentful, angrily.

   "I competed with the first annoying guy that day to grab medicine, and I was turned into a scum in seconds. If I don't practice, I will definitely be despised in the future."


  Qin Youxuan was slightly startled, and looked at her in surprise.

  Dare to feel that something is wrong with her during this period of time, because she lost to the fifth Xianxian by grabbing medicine?

  Ruihua, this fool, how could he not figure out how to compare medical skills with the fifth choice?

"Xiao Xuanzi, don't you know how terrifying he is. With such a small amount of medicine, he doesn't even use a balance, so he uses two fingers!" Rui Wei held up his **** and shook them in front of Qin Youxuan. shake.

  After holding back so many days, I still can’t accept it.

   "I didn't see his movements clearly before he caught the medicine. Do you think he was a human? Mustn't be right?" Rui Wei looked at Qin Youxuan seeking approval.


  Qin Youxuan really can't bear to hit her.

  Silly boy, comparing medical skills with Fifth Chosen is an unthinkable thing in itself.

  How come Ruihua didn’t want to open it?

   "Because you lost, you have avoided him these days?" Qin Youxuan glanced at Shan Hanjie, and pulled Rui Wei out of the ward.

  Two people stood in the corridor before Qin Youxuan asked.

   "I didn't avoid him, I was busy improving myself." Rui Hua defended.

  Thinking about it, and then frowned, "But when you said that, I found out that I didn’t really see the first annoyance for several days, and I forgot about it when I was busy."

  Rui Wei scratched her hair cutely, thinking of something, and looking at Qin Youxuan, she babbled, "It turns out that the first annoying ghost is a little kind."

   "...how do you say?" Qin Youxuan was startled, and then asked.

Rui Hua leaned against the wall next to him, put his hands in his pockets at random, and pouted, "I lost the bet with him, and he punished me for one night, and let me go the next day. You are strange. Not surprisingly?"


   "I thought that someone with such a small belly would definitely abuse me for a week." Rui Hua was puzzled and patted himself and moved his cheeks.

  "One night..." Qin Youxuan got a nervous vocabulary too.

   "What is your bet?"

  "I asked him to wash my clothes for a week, and he asked me to warm his bed for a week."

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