
   "Ye'er, you save mom, mom doesn't want to go to jail...I can't go to jail..." Jin Lan burst into tears, clutching Jin Chenye's arm desperately, like the last straw.

  Jin Chenyan frowned tightly, "I have asked someone to deal with this matter, but mom, remember, I won’t be able to save you the next time!"

  If it weren't for him to be dizzy in the Qin clan, and Ning Yanan, who came forward and grabbed him angrily, would not have known Qin Youxuan was missing.

  Like everyone else, his first thought was his mother.

  When he received the news, Shan Hanjie had rescued Qin Youxuan, and the kidnapped gangster had been arrested at the police station...

   "This incident has passed."

  Jin Chen’s eyes flickered, he helped Jin Lan to sit down on the chair, and reached out to wipe away the tears on her face.

   Pour her a glass of water.

   "Mom, promise me, don't fight against Xiaoxuan anymore. It doesn't matter who the Qin family is, I promise you that you won't suffer any more."

  After all, Jin Lan will become like this, and she is also eager for her son.

  As the son of man, Jin Chenye was heartbroken, but he couldn't just watch her accidentally and watch her by himself.

  The two most cherished people became enemies. Who understands the suffering in his heart?

  The smile at the corner of Jin Chenye’s mouth became more bitter.

   "It's getting late, you go to bed first, and I will take care of the next thing." Jin Chenye took the cup that Jin Lan held tightly in his hand, but didn't drink a sip, and put it on the table.

   "...Okay." Jin Lan's emotions have calmed down, and she glanced at Jin Chenye, who was sullen, and didn't dare to ask more.

  Get up from the chair, turn around and walk out.

  "Mom, fortunately, Xiaoxuan is fine this time. Otherwise, if you get the Qin family, you will lose your son." Jin Chenye glanced at Jin Lan who had just walked to the door, and the low voice sounded like a cello.

   "..." Jin Lan turned her head and looked at him in surprise.

  The body stiffened for a while, unable to move.

  Jin Chenye just stood quietly, his gentle and handsome figure looked a bit lonely under the light.

  His eyes are sharp as a knife.

  Jin Lan stared at him for a long time, dare not to speak any more, opened the door and went out.

  "Boss!" The special assistant strode into the study, and respectfully stopped in front of Jin Chenye.

   "What happened to the matter?" Jin Chenye's warm eyes turned dark for an instant, and his voice was unusually cold.

   "The two kidnappers are dead, they started quickly, and they dealt with them very cleanly. Even if Shan Hanjie wants to investigate, I am afraid it is too late." The special helper responded with a sharp glance.

   handed the information in hand to Jin Chenye.

   "Boss, thanks to the help of Miss Meng's family this time, without the network of Meng's family, we might not be able to start so smoothly."

  "Clean up, don't leave trouble for the Meng family." Jin Chenye raised his eyes and glanced at the information in his hand, "Help me make an appointment with Miss Meng’s family, and said I will be the host, invite her to dinner, and let me know when the time is fixed."

   "Yes." The special assistant leaned over respectfully.

  "Xiaoxuan, she..." Jin Chenye only called out one name, and he didn't know how to ask.

The special assistant did not understand what he meant for a while, but just answered according to what he knew, "Miss Qin was taken back to the villa by Shan Hanjie, and has not left yet, but several doctors went in and out of the Yujing Villa. I heard that it was Qin. Miss is hurt."


  PS: Monsters are selling cute and asking for tickets! Dear friends, don’t forget to vote for Yaoyao, or be careful that I’m scary when I climb the window at night! (^o^)/~

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