The friendship between men is different from that of women.

  Best friends pay more attention to delicate emotional communication. If you don’t see it for a long time, you will really miss it.

   "When you have time, you can also take Tingye back to see us." Ning Yanan couldn't help but exhorted.

"of course."

  Qin Youxuan's mood improved slightly, and she reached out and hugged Ning Yanan, and the two sisters sat together again for a long time to chat.

  When it was time for the meal, Jiang Jinchen took the reluctant Ning Yanan away.

   "Everyone is gone, still watch." Shan Hanjie walked up unhappily, and put her chin on the wok, making her look at herself, "I promise you, whenever you want to go back, I will accompany you."

   "I'm fine, but I am very happy for Yaya, she is so happy now."

  At first no one was optimistic about the pair, and gained all the happiness.

  Qin Youxuandi lowered her eyes, if her father was still alive, she would definitely feel that she was the happiest person in the world.

  Qin Youxuan twisted her clothes with her small hands, not allowing herself to continue thinking about this.

   turned around, threw himself into Shan Hanjie’s arms, and hugged his strong waist tightly.


  Rehabilitation is boring and painful.

  Qin Youxuan accompanies Shan Hanjie to the rehabilitation room every time, watching him painful and sweating, and he can't stop exercising.

  The most painful thing is to look at him so hard, still hiding a secret in my heart.

  Qin Youxuan became nervous every time he heard Shan Hanjie lift his leg, for fear that he could not hold his breath.

  But every time Qin Youxuan felt that she was about to lose her tension, Shan Hanjie calmly told her that she was okay.

  He never suspected from beginning to end, she might be lying to him.

  The more Shan Hanjie is like this, the more guilty and uncomfortable Qin Youxuan feels.

  I'm afraid that after he knows the truth, he will not accept it.

"The situation is good, you can leave the hospital early. During this time, you still use crutches to walk. When you feel no pain when walking, then throw away the crutches." Fifth Chosen took the medical chart and flipped through it, and arbitrarily closed it and put it aside. .


  Qin Youxuan turned her head to look at Fifth Zexian, "You said he can be discharged from the hospital?"

  "Do you really take this place as your home, so reluctant to leave?" Shan Hanjie was changing clothes. Hearing Qin Youxuan's words, he reached out to her.

  Qin Youxuan walked to him without saying a word and used him as a cane.

   Still did not give up on the question just now, and continued to look at the fifth selection, "Is he really discharged from the hospital?"

   "I seem to be joking?" The silver-white pupil of Fifth Chosen flashed, and a glimmer of light passed.

   "But you don't mean that his feet will... need rehabilitation for a long time, how can they be discharged so soon?" Qin Youxuan struggled, and asked her doubts euphemistically.

   "That was the beginning. I have cured him now. You should thank me instead of questioning me." Fifth Chosen looked arrogant.


  Qin Youxuan was startled, and then reacted, "So, you mean, he won't be lame?"

  "Have I said he will be lame?" Fifth Chosen raised his eyebrows, leaned against the wall, and looked at Qin Youxuan funny.

  Qin Youxuan was choked up enough, and then realized something, and suddenly looked at Shan Hanjie, "So you knew it from the beginning, accompany him to lie to me?"

  Dan Han's nerves were horrified, and he quickly looked at Fifth Chosen with warning, stretched out his hand to hold Qin Youxuan's waist, and carried her into his arms.

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