365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1594: I don't want to see him

  Thinking that Shan Hanjie had cooperated with Fifth Choosing to lie to her, so she was so angry.

  I happened to see Su Yiru preparing sacrifices for Ye Zhanxing again, and his mood was really complicated to the extreme.

  "Xiao Tingye, come and hug me." Su Yiru didn't see the little guy for several days, so he quickly picked it up from Qin Youxuan and put it in his arms.

  Ting Ye just woke up, her delicate little face flushed.

   pouting her little mouth and stretching her waist, she looks very cute.

   "Do you miss grandma." Su Yiru hugged the little guy and coaxed softly.

  Seeing that the little guy kept sticking his tongue out, he quickly asked the butler to make milk.

  Hugging Xiao Tingye and sitting on the sofa to feed milk, even put down the work at hand.

  Qin Youxuan stood by, looked for a while, and then sat down.

   Reached out and picked up the scissors and colored paper. Following Su Yiru's practice, he also carefully cut out the paper clothes.

"Youxuan, don't worry, there are still a few days left. I will prepare these things. During this time, you will take care of Shan Hanjie and have lost weight. Hurry up and go back to the room to rest. I will let the kitchen boil the soup for a while. I'll send it in for you."

  Su Yiru's soft reminder.

   "No, I'm not tired, I also want to do something for my father." Qin Youxuan's eyes became a little sad.

  Every time she decides to let it go, there is always something like that, which gently touches her heartstrings.

  The guilt in my heart was magnified to the extreme when I saw these colored papers.

   "Don't force it, go in and rest as soon as you feel tired, you know?" Su Yiru asked Qin Youxuan to help.

  Two people move much faster than one person.

  In less than half an hour, everything that should be prepared is ready.

   "Miss Qin, Jie Shao is here." The butler walked into the living room quickly and said respectfully.

   "Dan Hanjie discharged?" Su Yiru raised her head and looked at Qin Youxuan.

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip, nodded, and looked at the housekeeper, "I don't want to see him, let him go."

  After finishing speaking, walk to the room with Tingye in his arms.

  As soon as I entered the room, I heard familiar footsteps outside.

The butler couldn't stop Shan Hanjie at all.

   "Youxuan, open the door."

  Shan Hanjie stopped outside the door, his low voice, with a hint of strength.

  Qin Youxuan ignored him.

   put Xiao Tingye on the bed, and lay down with him.

  It was quiet outside the door for a while, but Qin Youxuan could not fall asleep.

   Just when she thought that Shan Hanjie had already left, a small noise suddenly rang in her ear.

   Then, there was a muffled noise.

  Qin Youxuan got nervous and sat up suddenly from the bed.

   turned his head and saw that the door had been opened.

  Shan Hanjie walked inward. His foot injury was still not healed, and he wanted to walk as normal as possible, so his pace was not fast.

   Seeing the mother and son on the bed, her coquettish eyes softened in an instant.

   "What did you forget to tell me? Our family of three must stay together." Shan Hanjie stepped forward, reaching out to hug her.

  Qin Youxuan avoided his hand as soon as she turned her body.

  The bright cat eyes showed a trace of sullenness, "You lie to me with the fifth choice of leisure!"

   "I don't have one." Shan Hanjie knew that she would definitely be angry about this incident, and had already figured out the reason.

   "I didn't know from start to finish that Fifth Chosen concealed you, you forgot, you are the one who told me that my legs are okay."

   "At that time, I thought you would really be lame. I was afraid that you could not accept it, so that's why..."

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