Like a hen guarding a chick, she blocked Shan Hanjie's face and glared at the reporter in front.

"The person lying inside is my dad, Shan Hanjie is my husband, my dad’s death day, I don’t think we need to explain anything to you when we come to worship, and there was some problem with Ye’s some time ago, but the police It has been confirmed that they are all framed by rumors and interested people, and I hope everyone can take it wisely."

  Qin Youxuan paused, her eyes became cold.

"As for the question of the Shan Group, you should not ask Shan Hanjie, but director Shan Yi. I think he just came out of the police station and is more suitable to answer your questions. I'm sorry, we have to go back first. Please give in."

  Qin Youxuan's words fell, and before the reporters could speak, Yao immediately separated all the reporters with someone to make way.

  Dan Hanjie’s foot injury was not healed, Qin Youxuan deliberately slowed down and walked slowly with him.

   got in the car and immediately told the driver to drive.

  The car drove out for a while, Qin Youxuan did not speak, and even more dare not look at Shan Hanjie's expression.

  His foot injury is still not healed. At this time, walking will inevitably be a little lame. In fact, it is not so obvious if he does not stare carefully.

  But those reporters just said in front of him that he was disabled...

  Qin Youxuan bit her lip, gathered courage, and prepared to comfort Shan Hanjie.

   raised his head, met his smiling black eyes, and was stunned.

  He is smiling?

   is said to be disabled, he can still laugh?

   Is she dazzled, or is he silly?

   "Shan Hanjie..."

  As soon as Qin Youxuan spoke, Shan Hanjie took her into her arms and tightened her arms firmly, confining her to her chest firmly.

   A low, enchanting voice, with a touch of sensibility, "I'm very happy, you just protected me like that."


   "Wife, you are so brave, it really opened my eyes."


   "With you, I will never have to worry about someone bullying me anymore."


  In this case, shouldn’t women say it?

  Qin Youxuan's brain twitched, and the brain circuit could not be turned.

  The atmosphere changed so fast that Qin Youxuan was completely dumbfounded.

  The crystal cat eyes stared at the man in front of him dullly.

  It was not until Shan Hanjie hugged her to get out of the car that she recovered.

  "Do you mind what the reporter said?" Qin Youxuan got down from Shan Hanjie's arms, not daring to force his right foot, and reached out and clasped his hand.

   "I'm not really lame, what do you mind?" Shan Hanjie took her and walked to the Ye family's villa.

  As soon as he entered, he immediately asked Yao to start things and prepare to move back to his private villa.

  He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

   "I want to go back two days later, and stay at home for dinner today." Qin Youxuan blocked Shan Hanjie in front of her and spoke quietly.

  'S eyes fell on the photo of Ye Zhanxing in the living room.

   "I want to be with Dad."

   "Our home is not here, this is just a family home, how long do you want to live?" Shan Hanjie stared at her.

  Qin Youxuan dragged and dragged, and he knew better than anyone what he couldn't put down.

  The best way is to cut the mess with a quick knife.

  Stay away from places related to Ye Zhanxing in order to continue to live their lives.

   made up his mind, Shan Hanjie looked at Yao and asked him to move faster.

   "But today is my dad's bogey, I can't just follow you like this." Qin Youxuan watched Yao keep moving things from the room to the car, reaching out and grabbing Shan Hanjie's clothes.

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