Ye Mingmei couldn't see anything. As soon as she left the room, a lot of voices came into her ears.

  The voice is so messy that I can’t tell who is talking again.

   Ye Mingmei frowned uncomfortably, but Yu Xiu's footsteps didn't stop, holding her straight and striding forward.

   Ye Mingmei heard someone calling Yu Xiuzun next to him, respectfully calling him Yu Shao, and should be his subordinate.

  Ye Mingmei was in a daze, she heard something like "Yu Shao, go here... are all ready...".

  She couldn't tell where she was, and Yu Xiuzun planned to take her there.

  Every time she stretched out her hand to take off her coat, Yu Xiuzun would reach out and hold her hand to stop her movement.

After repeating    several times, Ye Mingmei gave up.

  Anyway, where he wants to take her, it is never something she can choose, do you know the difference?

  Until she got in the car, Ye Mingmei was able to see the sun again.

Before    had time to speak, he heard the sound of a police siren in his ear, and his nerves froze.

   turned his head and found that they had left Zhishang, and outside Zhishang’s gate, there were full of police cars parked.

  At this moment, a large number of policemen are getting off the car and rushing into the Zhishang Club in full gear.

   "...Is it the police you called?" Ye Mingmei was taken aback, thinking of the conversation she had just heard, and immediately looked at Yu Xiuzun.

  She didn't expect that Yu Xiuzhun would actually set up Jiang Jinchen.

  And she became a witness somehow...

  "Since I have heard all of them, I also asked what I am doing. I have no time to inform Qin Youxuan. I'm sorry?" Zhun Xiu rubbed the delicate skin of her cheeks with long fingers, and couldn't put it down.


   Ye Mingmei was choked by him, looking at the still deep night outside the car.

  The starlight is more and more shining, like a diamond sprinkled in the sky, opening a galaxy.

  At this time, it should be midnight, which is when everyone is the most exhausted.

  He chose to shoot at this time, which was already calculated.

  What brought her out to relax was a lie. He had planned to attack Jiang Jinchen’s club early on.

  Such a large box of goods, I am afraid that Jiang Jinchen will really be out of luck this time.

   Ye Mingmei lowered her eyes, clenched her hand into a fist unconsciously, and took a secret breath.

   "When you are sleepy, lean on me to sleep for a while, and I will call you when you arrive." No matter what she was thinking, Yu Xiu reached out and pressed the person into his arms.

   Ye Mingmei struggled, and said weakly, "Yu Xiuzhun, I want to go home, can you send me back."

  The only response to her was silence.

   Just when Ye Mingmei thought he would not agree, Yu Xiuzhun sent her to the door of the Ye family again.

  He seemed to know exactly what she was worried about, and he always converged slightly before the paper window was about to be broken.

   Let Ye Mingmei continue to pretend to be nonchalant in front of Su Yiru.

   "About Jiang Jinchen, I advise you to pretend to be deaf, otherwise once Qin Youxuan knows that we are together, you won't be able to explain it." Yu Xiu opened the car door and glanced at her.

   "You know that I'm afraid she knows that we are together, so why do you have to hold me and hold me? At this time, I need to keep a secret?


   "You shouldn't let me wade in the muddy water from the beginning, I don't want to know anything about you!"

  Ye Mingmei grabbed the hem of her clothes nervously with both hands, and screamed, not daring to look at Yu Xiuzun’s eyes, and quickly got out of the car.

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