She is used to seeing big family dinners, but she doesn't like socializing very much. Duke is blocking her, and she can't ask for it.

   made up her mind, Rui Wei simply followed Duke without leaving, but she remained silent whenever she could not speak.

  Unless they meet someone who is particularly familiar, they will say hello.

  Even so, the venue was too big and there were too many people coming to Duke. After walking in a circle, Rui Hua still felt impatient.

  The high heels on the feet make Rui Wei, who is used to being free and easy, very unaccustomed.

   "What's the matter? Are you tired?" Duke immediately asked with concern when he discovered that her expression was not right.

   "...No, just wandering like this all the time, so boring." Rui Hua played out her tongue playfully and whispered.

  When he heard her saying that he was bored, Duke was slightly startled. He glanced at the many guests waiting for him to toast, and raised his hand to greet the waiter.

   "Take Miss Rui Wei to the lounge first."

  "..." Rui Hua was taken aback and looked at him.

"You go to the lounge and rest for a while, and wait until I say hello to some uncles and take you out so that you won't be bored." Duke smiled softly, looking at Rui Wei's eyes with endless expressions. Indulge.

   Rui Hua was stunned for a while, a little surprised.

   But I was really tired of such occasions, nodded, and followed the waiter.

   "Why did Colonel Duke let people go like this? He didn't introduce them to us." An officer-like man walked towards Duke with a red wine glass and toasted to him.

  Behind him were several men of the same young age, who should all be friends of Duke.

   "Rui Hua doesn't like socializing, there will always be a chance to get to know each other someday." Duke raised his glass to the visitor and drank it politely.

  In the words, it seems that Rui Hua has been regarded as her own woman.

   "Unexpectedly, Colonel Duke, who has always been clean and self-conscious, has already had a goal. It hasn't been long since returning to Berlin. This action is fast enough!" The man raised his fist and punched Duke's chest lightly.

   "Just laughed." Duke allowed the people next to him to tease, with a slight smile on his face.

  I don’t know when, a handsome figure passed by his side, he heard a few people’s dialogue, and he paused slightly.

  The silver-white child pupil became gloomy in an instant, faintly shining with light.

   turned his head and stared fiercely at Duke Selter who was standing in the crowd.

  The hand on the side of the body tightened silently.

  Hesitated for a few seconds, stepped past the crowd, and walked towards the lounge of the venue.


   "Miss Ruihua, here it is."

  The waiter took Rui Wei and walked to a secret lounge, "This is a lounge reserved for important guests. Miss Rui Wei can rest assured that no one will disturb you."

   "Thank you."

  Rui Hua nodded politely before pushing the door open.

  Turn on the light, close the door, and start walking in.

The room is very luxurious, it is completely the configuration of a top star hotel. The Kingsize bed is covered with a layer of heart-shaped rose petals. Even the vase at the head of the bed contains roses, making it the same as the proposal scene. .

   Rui Hua took off the high heels on her feet and put on the slippers inside.

  As soon as I was about to enter the bathroom, I heard the door bell.

   After a pause, thinking it was the waiter just now, he stepped up to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door.

   Seeing the man standing outside, Rui Hua was stunned.

  The enchanting eyes of the boss stared for an instant, and the small mouth was slightly open, as if he had just swallowed an egg.

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