Since then, she has changed from the envious eldest lady to the laughing stock.

  Everyone hindered the influence of the Adolf family and didn't say anything in front of them, but they made fun of her secretly.

  Because she couldn't bear such rumors, she left Berlin in a fit of anger, looking for the trouble of Fifth Chosen everywhere.

  As long as he is not happy, she is happy!

  "If even you can beat me, wouldn’t it look like I’m very useless? My woman is naturally protected by me. You don’t understand anything, as long as you stay by my side obediently."

  Fifth Chosen patted her head like a puppy.

  Thinking about it, then added. "As far as I am mad at you, are you sure you are not mad at me, huh?"


   Rui Wei was stopped by his rhetorical question.

   hesitated for a while before catching the question that had been entangled with her, "Since you like me, why did you divorce before? You don't know how many people saw me joke about this."

  Rui Hua lowered her head silently.

  She is not a vain woman, but she desperately wants to be the best, but in the end, because of a divorce, she became a joke in the eyes of others.

  That kind of feeling, she will never forget.

  Because of this, she knows that the fifth choice of leisure medicine is good, and she will study medicine desperately. She can't wait to step this man under her feet to let everyone know that it is his loss to give up her.

  However, ideals are beautiful, and reality is too cruel.

  The fifth Xianxian is a wicked evildoer. She can't compare to him if she works hard. Instead, she is crushed by him everywhere.

   IQ and EQ are all despised thoroughly, and they are simply irresistible.

  Rui Wei, as long as he thinks of this, the whole person is like a frosted eggplant.

   "At that time, we didn't even know each other, you promised that if I divorced one step too late, you would not propose to divorce first?" Fifth Chosen pressed her head with a big hand, and looked at her confidently.

  Ruihua's guilty-hearted eyes rolled straight up, but she didn't dare to look at him.

   "Anyway, because of you, I was made fun of. We are together now, what's the matter?"

  "You don't like me?" Fifth Chosen increased the pressure on her head and asked her to look directly at herself.

  With warning in his eyes.

   Rui Hua blinked innocent eyes and bit her lip tangledly.

  Like it? dislike?

  She really didn’t think about this issue seriously.

  When she first left the United States, she really felt weird. She didn't know what was wrong with her at the time.

  Until last night, Wu Zexian suddenly appeared in front of her.

  At that time, she was scared in her heart, so scared that she ignored the joy in her heart.

  Think about it now, the feeling of emptiness in my heart should just miss him.

  But she hates him so much, how can she miss him?

   "Answer me!" Fifth Chosen woke her chin and asked her to raise her head.

  The self-confidence in the eyes, because of her long silence, disappeared.

   was replaced by a touch of panic.

  He seems to have forgotten that she is so insensitive to feelings, maybe she never thought of liking him.

  And what he wants is more than just liking.

  If her answer is no, what will he do?

  Forcing her to stay by his side no matter whether she likes it or not?

  When did he need to use such a despicable method to keep someone in his fifth choice of leisure...

   "I don't know." Rui Hua bit her lip, her expression a little dazed.


  Having a foreboding, Fifth Chosen's mood is very complicated.

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