Rui Hua is a person who can bear the pain, but this kind of pain is really different.

  "Don't doubt my professionalism." After Fifth Chosen said, he moved her hand away.

   Rui Hua was shy and wanted to stop him, but couldn't stop him at all, so she grabbed the pillow and covered her head.

  Fifth chooses to take a look, the silver-white pupil flashed, with a trace of annoyance.

  Take out the ointment that she is carrying, and gently apply the medicine to her.

  In the middle of the journey, she almost couldn't hold it back several times, but looking at her physical condition, Fifth Chosen was stunned and did not start.

  After he finished processing, he raised his head, only to find that Rui Wei was stuffing himself with a pillow.

  I am not afraid to cover myself to death.

  They are all like this, what else is she shy about?

  The fifth choice of leisure has always been accustomed to its own way, completely unable to understand.

  But he would love her heartily, so he put the ointment aside, reached out and took off the pillow on her head.

   put it aside, and took Rui Hua into his arms.

   "Okay, it won't hurt as soon as you sleep." Fifth Chosen touched her head like a kid.

  He is used to his venomous tongue, and has never been a person who can coax women.

  Only when she is moved, will she be patient and coax her to sleep like this.

   "Yeah." Rui Hua was embarrassed and couldn't reach the pillow that he had removed. He simply retracted into his chest and buried his face on his chest.

   Glancing at her movement, Fifth Chosen's gaze unconsciously softened, and looked at her dozingly.

  The big hand gently pressed her small head.

  It’s not that he has never had any other women, but for the first time, he will affect his emotions because of a person’s smiles.

  The vacant place in the chest seems to be slowly being filled with something.


   Celtic family villa.

  Duke's tall body leaned on the balcony guardrail, holding a glass of red wine and looking into the distance.

   Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned around abruptly.

   "Colonel, the information you want has been found." The visitor stepped forward quickly and stood respectfully in front of Duke.

   "The fifth Xianxian is a mysterious Southeast Asian genius doctor, but his true identity is the prince of Sweden, his original name is Xianxian Karl."

"what did you say?"

  Duke turned around abruptly, and a gloomy light flashed through his falcon-like eyes.

  “Fifth Chosen is Sweden’s fifth-ranked prince and the fifth heir to the throne. But I don’t know what’s going on, but in Southeast Asia, I’ve been far away from the Swedish royal family for these years.”


  The prince of Sweden is still a prince who has the right to succeed to the throne. It is no wonder that he will be in the eyes of the Adolf family.

  Looking at it this way, this fifth choice is more respectable than him.

  Fortunately, he knew that the patriarch of the Adolf’s family had gone to the army, and decided to come back first, otherwise he would go in such a muddle-headed manner.

"Go and check for me again, what happened the year that Zexian Carr left Sweden, and the factions that Sweden is now in power. I will check everything about him carefully, and don't leave it at all! "Duke's eyes dimmed, reflecting a gloomy light.



a week later.

  Queve Adolf has not appeared for seven full days.

   "The fifth choice, or else, let's go back to the United States first?" Rui Hua knelt on the sofa and said entangledly.

  'S eyes fell on the face of Fifth Chosen next to him, and his eyes were filled with worry that could not be concealed.

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