I looked at the man in front of him with some apprehension.

   "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Just for her, he wouldn't be too ugly to talk to Kuiwei.

  Fifth Xianxian squeezed her face, turned around and went to the study.

   "Miss, do you need a drink?" The servant looked at Rui Hua who was sitting alone in the living room and asked respectfully.

   "No." Rui Hua shook his head, thought about it, and said again, "Pour me a glass of water."

  She is not thirsty, but nervous.

  The servant brought a cup of water, Rui Wei took it, and drank it to the end.

  Heavily put the cup on the table.

  He let out a long sigh of relief.

   looked straight at the direction of the study.

  Waiting for a long time, but still not seeing Fifth Chosen coming out of it, the whole person became a little manic.

Get up from the sofa   嚯, walk back and forth in the living room.

  "Fifth Choice!"

  As soon as he saw the study's door open, Rui Hu ran up immediately.

   plunged into his arms, reached out and hugged his waist.

   "So anxious, I'm afraid your father won't let you marry me?" Fifth Chosen's mouth had a wicked smile, her long fingers pinched her nose.

   Rui Hua shook his head, shook his hand, and pursed his mouth, "Don't tease me, what did my father say?"

   "What else can I say, the woman I want for the fifth time, no one can refuse." The frightening pupil of the fifth selection of leisure flashed, and his lips were firmly opened.


   Rui Hua was slightly startled, and raised her head to look at him in surprise.

   "So you mean... my father agreed?"

  "Do you want him not to agree?" Fifth asked, choosing leisure and avoiding the most important things, holding Rui Hua's hand, pulling her and walking outside.

   "Hey, wait a minute, where are you taking me? I haven't gone to say hello to my father!" Rui Hua stalked on the ground, almost dragged away by the fifth choice.

   "Back to America." Fifth Chosen left a sentence, turned his head and glanced at Rui Hua who was still rubbing against the ground, and paused.

  The next second, strode up to her, slapped the person horizontally, held him firmly in his arms, turned and walked out.

   "No, why are we so anxious? I haven't seen my father..." Rui Hua struggled subconsciously, and just about to protest, his lips were blocked by the fifth choice.

   "Hey, don't make trouble, your father has already seen you, and he asked me to take you away." Fifth Chosen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

   "Is it because my father didn't promise us to be together, so you rushed to take me away?" Rui Hua's enchanting eyes flashed slightly, and asked a little nervously.

  The more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is too high.

   "Your brain is too big." Fifth Select Xian glanced at her coldly.

   "Then what are you anxious for? I have been waiting for so many days, and even my father will not let me see him, so he will take me away, I will not go!" Rui Hua jumped to the ground in one fell swoop.

   was about to walk back, but was pulled into the arms by the fifth selection.

   "Ruihua Adolf! You don't even believe me?" Fifth Chosen sank, his tone stained with sullen anger.

   held her hand tightly.

   "You have no brains? This is Adolf's house. If your father didn't promise me to marry you, do you think I can take you out of here? I'm afraid you will be beaten into a hornet's nest before you reach the gate!"


  Ruihua was taken aback for a moment, blinked her eyes in surprise, and then slowly turned her head to look at him.

   "So, what you said is true? My dad really agreed?" Rui Hua still didn't find the truth.

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