Dan Hanxi paused, and slowly turned his head to look at her, his eyes clear and clear.

   "Qin Youxuan, it's you."

  A white suit, handsome and extraordinary.

  There is a trace of estrangement on his handsome face, with a glass of red wine in his hand, and his eyes are frivolous.

  As always.


   Hearing her name from his mouth, Qin Youxuan was a little stunned.

  This familiar tone, this contempt with a hint of playfulness, really resembles Shan Hanxi.

  Identical face, but no difference can be found.

   "What's the matter with me? If it's okay, I'm going to entertain the guests first." Shan Hanxi glanced around and made sure that he didn't see Shan Hanjie before stepping forward, approaching Qin Youxuan, with a joke at the corner of his mouth.

  "You called my name in front of so many people, did you want to tell me something? Or did you want to tell me that you just couldn't help it?"


  The mouth is still the same.

  Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes are really indistinguishable.

  Before she came, she had already ordered the man next to Shan Yi. He must be a fake, but he looked a little like Shan Hanxi.

   But at this moment, looking at the same face, listening to a similar tone... she suddenly lost a lot of confidence.

  Qin Youxuan reached out and pinched herself, reminding herself to stay calm.

   Cleared his throat before opening his lips, "I am your sister-in-law, please be more self-respect."

   "I don't even have a big brother. Where's the sister-in-law, are you stupid?" Shan Han curled his lips coldly, with a mocking tone.

   stared at Qin Youxuan's black eyes, gleaming with the light of plunder.

  "Really, how do I remember that when you first saw me, you called my sister-in-law. You are still in this place, in front of this chair. Don't tell me you forgot."

  Qin Youxuan chuckled and gently shook the champagne in her hand.

   Seeing Shan Hanxi was stunned, her eyes darkened a little bit, and she looked at him steadily.

"I can't remember what happened so long ago. You still remember it, but you are very impressed with me." Shan Hanxi curled her lips strangely and looked down at her, "You miss other men like this, Shan Hanjie do you know?"


  Qin Youxuan originally wanted to defraud him, but he didn't expect that his answer was ambiguous and could not be heard at all.

   was also opposed by the generals.

   "Our husband and wife are so affectionate, of course he knows, not to mention, I only treat you as a younger brother." Qin Youxuan smiled sweetly, as if he was really caring about her younger brother for Shan Hanjie.

   "Enai?" Shan Hanxi seemed to hear some funny joke, "Affection to one's father and enemy? Your heart is so wide, you can forget even the enmity of killing your father."


  Qin Youxuan's hand was clenched into a fist for an instant, and she gritted her teeth and glared at him fiercely.

   "How would you know?"

  Shan Hanjie shot Ye Zhanxing, except she saw it with her own eyes, only the person who set the game was left at the scene.

"There is no impermeable wall under the sky. I just know. What's so strange? I'm just curious. When you lie down with Shan Hanjie every day, you don't dream of Ye Zhanxing coming to him to kill him. ?"

  Shan Hanxi smiled, his tall body approached Qin Youxuan's side, and his eyes were firmly fixed on her face.


  Qin Youxuan gritted his teeth fiercely, almost unable to restrain him from pushing him away.

  In the end, she just curled her lips gracefully, “I’m afraid we’re not your turn to take care of our husband’s affairs. I just love him, so what?”


  Dan Hanxi didn't seem to have thought that she would be so calm, he was slightly startled, and his eyes became more acquainted.

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