365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1665: Kick him away with one kick!

   Ye Mingmei also lowered her face, and found herself nestled in Jin Chenye’s arms, her cheeks slightly red.

"I am sorry."


  Jin Chenye saw her apologetic, his heart moved slightly and realized that his reaction might be too intense, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he reached out and held her head.

   "You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just worried about you, you don't have to say sorry to me all the time." Jin Chenye paused, met her gaze, and reminded again.

  “Mingmei, it’s good to know how to tolerate and retreat, but you can’t be timid all the time. This will make people think you’re bullying, but it’s easier to be wronged.”

   "I see." Ye Mingmei never refuted what he said. After Jin Chenye finished speaking, she nodded obediently.

   "With me, you don't have to be careful, just be yourself." Jin Chenye rubbed her head dozingly.

  Seeing her timid appearance, a little distressed.

  No one noticed. Not far away, a yin bird's gaze followed Ye Mingmei's figure.

  At the moment he saw Jin Chenye pulling her into his arms, the man smashed the glass in his hand angrily.

   gritted his teeth fiercely, almost couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled them apart.

  She avoided him for so long because she was with Jin Chenye?

  Thinking that if you find a backer, you can kick him away?

   "Yu Shao, your hands...do you need to bandage it?" The waiter at the party saw the broken cup in Yu Xiuzun's hand and stared.

  Yun Xiuzun only then noticed that the cup in his hand was crushed.

  Several pieces of broken glass cut his palm.

"No need to."

  Yun Xiu quashed his hand, threw the broken cup away, took out the handkerchief, wrapped his palm at will, and tied a knot.

  This little injury, he still wouldn't care about it.

  But he will get it back from a woman who is the culprit!

  Waiting for Yu Xiuzhun to tie up the wound and raise his head, he just saw the scene where Jin Chenye touched her head. Almost instantly, an anger spread from between his chest and his chest, spreading all over the world.

  Yu Xiu clenched his teeth, picked up a glass of red wine again, and stepped forward.

   "Are you tired? I'll take you back when you are tired. You have met a lot of people today. You have to adapt slowly. There are still many partners in Ye's, and you will gradually get to know them in the future."

  Jin Chenye retracted his hand and was about to lead her, when a shadow of a figure came towards them from the corner of his eye.

   Seeing the incoming person clearly, the smile at the corner of Jin Chenye's mouth instantly converged.

  Ye Mingmei followed his gaze and saw Yu Xiuzhai who was walking towards her. Her footsteps trembled and she almost fell to the ground.

  Jin Chenye stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms.

  The two stood together intimately, looking like a pair of Bi people facing each other.

  Yu's quasi-fixed eyes suddenly became cold and bloodthirsty.

   "Jin Chenye, I like my broken shoes so tightly, so I am afraid that others will not know that you have pryed my corner of the wall, and even took it as a treasure and brought it out to show off?"

  Yun Xiuquan opened his mouth, and what he said made people angry immediately.

   "Mingmei is a good girl, I don't allow you to say that to her!" Jin Chenye held the pale Ye Mingmei tightly in his arms and scolded.

   sharp eyes, can’t wait to fix the inferior words with a thousand swords.

   "It's not slander. If you don't believe me, ask her, how does it feel to be under me? I think my skills are pretty good, and she should be satisfied."

  Yu Xiu stared straight at Ye Mingmei and took a sip of red wine slowly.

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