"Then tell me, in front of everyone, tell everyone what you did to me!" Ye Mingmei rushed forward, clenched her fist with her small hand, and slapped Yu Xiuzhun's chest vigorously.

  While playing, she couldn't help crying.

   "I owe you back to you, why can't you let me go, are you going to ruin me? Why don't you say it!"

  "Don't think I dare!" Yu Xiuzhun was upset by her scolding, reached out his hand to wring her wrist, and imprisoned her in his arms.

   lowered his eyes and fixedly stared at her face.

  One word for a meal, "I warned you, don't be disobedient, the woman I want, unless you get tired, you will die if you touch anyone!"

  Yu Xiuzhun finished, his bloodthirsty eyes swept over Jin Chenye's position.

   Ye Mingmei pushed his body away, stepped back, and approached Jin Chenye's position.

  Slim body, protecting in front of him, as if protecting himself the most important person.

  This scene stung Yu Xiuzun’s eyes.

"Yu Xiuzhun, you are so pitiful, there is not even a person around you who really cares about you, I am different from you, just for them, I have to be brave, I will no longer be afraid of you, what do you want to do, Just do it."

   Ye Mingmei took a deep breath, and clenched her hands into fists, as if to give herself courage.

   "Those photos and videos are in my hands. I have not destroyed them. If you have to do this, I will sue you. Those things that you personally recorded to torture me will be the most beneficial evidence!"

  Ye Mingmei finished speaking a long sentence, then turned around and looked at Jin Chenye distressedly.

   "Senior, your face is swollen. I will accompany you to the medicine."

   "I'm fine. You did a good job just now. We can't bear with the bad guys all the time. If you become brave, the bad guys won't be able to take advantage." Jin Chenye held Ye Mingmei's hand and gave Yu Xiu a slanting glance.

  Yu Xiuzhun seems to have never expected that Ye Mingmei, who has always been timid and timid, dare to choke with him.

  Even the evidence was prepared, and in turn threatened him.

Ha ha.

  Her bravery really surprised him.

   But as long as he thinks that such bravery is to protect another man, Yu Xiuzhun gritted his teeth with hatred.

  A pair of evil eyes of the yin bird, revealing a strange light.

  Looking coldly at Ye Mingmei supporting Jin Chenye and preparing to leave.

   Thin lips opened slightly, "Jin Chenye, your taste is really different from ordinary people. You can't catch up with your sister, so you can change to younger sister. It seems that you really have a soft spot for the Ye family's daughter."


  Jin Chenye paused, and his body suddenly became a little stiff.

   "What elder sister, what does he mean?" Ye Mingmei was also stunned, and looked at the cold-faced Jin Chenye with a bit of astonishment.

   "Ye Mingmei, I said you are stupid, you really don't say that I wronged you." Yu Xiuzhun stepped forward, looking at the stunned Ye Mingmei mockingly, the corners of his mouth evoked an evil arc.

   "This man next to you, the woman who first loved Qin Youxuan, after breaking up with Qin Youxuan, there hasn't been a woman by your side in the past two years, don't you even know this?"


  Boom, Ye Mingmei only felt a white light explode in her mind.

  She didn't have time to react at all, she saw Yu Xiuzun's face approaching her eyes.

  She subconsciously wanted to seek shelter from Jin Chenye, but when Yu Xiuzun flashed through her mind, her hand stopped.

  First love, Qin Youxuan...

The words    came to mind.

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