365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1673: Is he worthy of a fatal blow?

"What nonsense? He accompanied Mingmei to the Shan's party today. He didn't see Shan Hanxi, but ran into Yu Xiuzun. Mingmei's mood was still a little unstable. He just didn't feel relieved, so he called me to tell me Scream."

  "Why don't you wait for tomorrow if you want to make a call? It's a big night, and choose this time!" As soon as Shan Hanjie thought of his good deeds being interrupted, his face instantly became black.

  Jin Chenye deliberately found him unhappy!

   "How big things are you jealous?" Qin Youxuan stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.

"Jin Chenye also asked one more thing. When he left the Ye family later, he accidentally saw Shan Hanxi on the road, but he was alone, driving a car, wandering around on the road, going around, and then returned to the manor. Jin Chenye waited outside the manor for a while, but didn't see him come out again before leaving, and asked what we thought."

   "He is not Shan Hanxi." Shan Hanjie's indifferent lips opened, still only said that.

"Are you really sure that he is not?" Qin Youxuan's bright cat eyes flashed, "Could it be that our brains are too open? Shan Hanxi really didn't die, but was saved by Shan Yi. , Has been hiding until now, waiting to give you a fatal blow?"

   "A fatal blow, is he worthy?" Shan Hanjie's face was full of disdain, and even Qin Youxuan couldn't help but want to laugh.

   Reached out and untied the long hair that was coiled, and slowly took off the dense invisible hairpins on it.

  Dan Hanjie glanced at her, picked her up, put her on the sofa, and reached out to help her.

   "You don't need to intervene in the affairs of Shan Hanxi, I will handle it, and don't contact Jin Chenye less." Shan Hanjie's low voice was jealous.

  Qin Youxuan moved her lips. She wanted to explain, but she was afraid that the description would get darker, so she didn't say anything.

  Let Shan Hanjie take the hairpin for her.

   "By the way, what did you mean by Shan Hanxi's words just now, do you really intend to give up the equity?" Qin Youxuan's crystal cat eyes lifted slightly and looked at Shan Hanjie's expressionless face.

   "Shan Yi also made a sacrifice ceremony for inheriting the will, letting you two brothers go to worship Shan Rong together. It's really funny to think about it. He was the person who wanted Shan Rong to die the most."

   "He likes acting, I will play with him once." Shan Hanjie clicked the corner of his mouth, overflowing with a terrifying sneer.

   Turned around and pressed the chattering Qin Youxuan to the sofa, and continued what was interrupted before.


  Early in the morning, Qin Youxuan got up with panda eyes.

   Going into the bathroom in a daze to wash, then change clothes, squinting all the time.

  I was a little confused when I went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Grandma, the worship ceremony will be held in the afternoon. Jie Shao said that if you are tired, you can wake up later, and he will let someone come to pick you up at that time." The housekeeper looked at Qin Youxuan, who was not sleeping enough, and smiled. Reminded.

   Now that there is a hostess in the villa, it has begun to become warmer.

   "No, I woke up and asked someone to prepare the car. I'll go back to Ye's first." Qin Youxuan ate the sandwich indiscriminately, drank the milk in the cup, and stood up.

   Pick up the bag and walk out.

  She is not worried about Ye Mingmei, it is better to go back and take a look.


   Ye Family Villa.

  In the big room, gauze tents are flying.

  The window is ajar, but the curtains are pulled tightly.

  At this moment, the breeze is blowing, and a touch of sunshine flows in from time to time.

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