365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1676: You are so courageous, from a rabbit?

   "Mingmei, it's late, why haven't you gotten up? Don't you have to go to the company today?" It was Su Yiru's voice.

   Ye Mingmei was so excited that her face turned pale with fright.

   glanced at Yu Xiuzun who was close in front of him, not knowing how to answer the call.

   "I have some pain in my hand. If no one can handle it for me, I will scream out accidentally..." Yu Xiu said accurately and opened his mouth.

   "I'll take care of it for you, there is disinfectant in my room!" Ye Mingmei growled in panic.

  As soon as she was about to let Su Yiru go first, she heard the butler’s voice also ringing outside the door.

   probably told Su Yiru that Qin Youxuan would come over in a while, so Ye Mingmei wanted to stay at home or something.

  Su Yiru listened for a while, only to say that it was time to get up, got Ye Mingmei's response, and left.

   Ye Mingmei slumped to the door, clutching the doorknob with both hands, scared that there was no blood on her face.

   "So courageous, is it a rabbit?"

  Yun Xiuzhun walked up to her, admiring her fearful appearance condescendingly, and raised her chin with a long finger.

   "Su Yiru probably hasn't gone far yet. My hands don't have the patience to wait for you anymore. Don't give me a deadly look, just move a little bit more quickly."


   Ye Mingmei gave him a fierce look, and finally got up from the ground.

  Turn out the medicine box from the room, find the disinfectant solution inside, and treat the wound on the palm of Yu Xiu's accurate palm.

  After eliminating the poison, a thin layer of gauze was also wrapped.

   "I haven't studied nursing care specifically, and the technique is unprofessional. Your wound seems to be quite serious. It's best to go to the hospital and get a tetanus injection."

   "Worry about me?" Yu Xiuzhun raised his eyebrows.

   "I'm worried that you will be blamed on my head if you die." Ye Mingmei cut the gauze, put the scissors away, gave him a cold look, "The wound is treated, when will you go?"

   "I'm still a little sleepy and want to sleep before leaving. Who made you behave last night? It took me a lot of toss and over-consumption. I have to make up for it."

  Yun Xiuzhun said, he stepped forward to her bed, lay down, put his hands behind his head, and began to close his eyes and rest.

  He can sleep, Ye Mingmei can't sit still.

I followed him and stood by the bed, barely yelling, "Yu Xiuzhun, you can't speak for nothing. If Qin Youxuan sees her, she will definitely not let you go and shock my mother. I will not let you go!"

   "I'm afraid of you two women?" Yu Xiu opened his eyes slowly and glanced at her, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"Don't forget, if you let my mother know, I won't have any scruples. If you push me, I will die with you!" Ye Mingmei fisted angrily, trying to hit his smug face with a fist. .


  Yun Xiuzhun heard her words and opened his eyes faintly.

  Thinking for a while, he actually sat up.

   Reached out and took the clothes next to him, and slowly put it on.

   "Help me fasten the buttons."

   Putting on his shirt, Yu Xiuzhun stopped, waiting for Ye Mingmei to wait on him.

   Ye Mingmei was short of him, standing in front of him, looking very small.

   reached out his hand and carefully buttoned his shirt. He lowered his head, just enough to see the top of her head.

  Long and smooth hair fell to the ears.

  His eyes softened, he unconsciously stretched out his hand and hooked her behind his ear.

   Ye Mingmei didn’t know if she was in a hurry to fasten the buttons, and did not respond to his actions at all.

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