365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1681: A position that can be changed at any time

  Shan Yi gritted his teeth, his mind was difficult to calm down.

   "Uncle is not too troublesome, so just go, but you helped me deal with the inheritance of the inheritance, uncle, now you have to overthrow what you said, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

  Dan Hanjie's expression was very pale, his handsome face was filled with a strange light, and his enchanting eyes were full of coldness.

  It takes time to wait for him to divorce, and it takes time to apply for a court sentence.

  But what Shan Yi lacks most now is time.

  The last commercial crime crisis caused his position on the board of directors to plummet.

  If Shan Hanxi hadn't appeared suddenly this time, I'm afraid he would become the decoration of the board of directors sooner or later.

  With his ambition, how can he be willing?

  "You can use this as an excuse to postpone the transfer of property, but you cannot postpone the handover of the group's business. Don't forget, everyone is waiting, when will you give up the position of president."

  Shan Yi thought of something and laughed triumphantly.

Shan Hanjie shrugged indifferently, took Qin Youxuan's shoulders, and carried her into his arms, "Uncle please, please, a position that can be changed at any time, it does not matter who sits, the key is to sit firmly. Sit for a long time."

  Shan Hanjie smiled, his eyes swayed, and his lips opened meaningfully.

  The words are over, and Qin Youxuan is ready to leave.

   "Wait a minute." Shan Hanxi, who had not spoken, suddenly said, stepping forward, blocking Shan Hanjie's path.

   "I want to see my father's will, and I need your seal."

   "What's the hurry, put the will there and won't run away. When it's time to start, a lawyer will naturally accompany you to get it. Now, wait."

  Shan Hanjie glanced at him, his eyes were cold and clear, as if he didn't put him in his eyes at all.

  Take Qin Youxuan and leave in a cool manner.

  As soon as he left the cemetery, reporters immediately surrounded him.

   "Jie Shao, I heard that the old president left all the property to your brother. Now he is back, are you going to be expelled from the Shan Group?"

  "Jie Shao, may I ask whether you are the head of the single family or the second young master. Will there be changes recently?"

  "Is this time to come to the cemetery to worship on such a large scale, is it the beginning of the transfer of the will?"


   "I'm sorry, we won't accept interviews." Yao quickly rushed with people to separate all the reporters.

  "Jie Shao, please respond. You have managed the Shan Group for so long and have been managing very well. If you suddenly want to give up your position, will you not be reconciled?"

  "Will your brothers have conflicts due to uneven distribution of inheritance?"

   "Jie Shao..."

  The problems of the media were one after another, almost overwhelming people.

  Qin Youxuan has been tightly guarded by Shan Hanjie to prevent her from being photographed by the media.

  The two people walked to the side of the car quickly under the path of the bodyguard.

  As long as you get in the car, these media are gone.

   Just when Qin Youxuan thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, Shan Hanjie suddenly stopped and fell to the right.

   "Shan Hanjie, are you okay?"

  Qin Youxuan was startled, and quickly reached out to help him, his eyes fell on his right foot, and a trace of panic flashed across his eyes.

   "Jie Shao, I heard that you had a car accident and disabled your right foot. Is it true?"

"you just……"

  As soon as the second reporter was about to speak, Shan Hanjie looked back and gave him a fierce look.

   "I am not disabled! Let me hear another word like this from someone's mouth, and I will let him go home and eat himself!"

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