"You sacrifice the ego so much, it seems that it is me who is perfect, and I have no reason to refuse." Yu Xiu Zhun stood with his hands and cast his eyes down.

  They have known each other for more than ten years. For the first time, Yu Xiuzun looked at the man in front of him so seriously.

  If it wasn't for Shan Hanjie, maybe he was also a person.

 It's a pity that he lost to Shan Hanjie and his pride by one move.

   Indeed, for people like them, it is better to live humble than to die proudly.

  If it is him, he will make the same choice.

   "I will arrange manpower, but this time I won’t discuss the terms. If you regret it, please let me know at any time." After Yu Xiuzhun finished speaking, he stepped away.

  The room was suddenly empty.

  Only Shan Hanxi was left.

  His hand slowly raised, pushed the wheelchair, and moved to the cabinet.

   Reached out and opened the drawer, and took out a newspaper from it.

  The entire page in the newspaper is a report of the wedding of the century.

  The wedding photos of Shan Hanjie and Qin Youxuan were placed in the most conspicuous position, but the position belonging to Shan Hanjie has been cut off, leaving only a black hole.

  Dan Hanxi raised his hand, and gently passed Qin Youxuan in the wedding dress, his eyes became gentle.

   "I didn't hurt your son, you shouldn't hate me, don't worry, we will meet soon, I want to tell you in person, I miss you so much..."


  Shan Group.

   "Second Young Master——"

  As soon as Shan Hanxi walked into the group lobby, the staff standing in line on both sides immediately bowed and greeted him.

  He raised his head arrogantly, stretched out his hand to tidy up his suit jacket, stepped over the crowd, and stepped into the elevator.

   "Take me to familiarize yourself with the various departments. I want to be familiar with the group's business in the shortest possible time." As soon as Shan Hanxi got out of the elevator, he immediately ordered the assistant sent by Shan Yi.

  "Start with the most important department first."

   "Yes, the second young master, let's go to the creative department first. The creative department is the brain department of the group." The assistant respectfully led him towards the creative department.

  Starting from the creative department, Shan Hanxi went to almost every department in the morning.

  In order to welcome his arrival, the group was in a hurry.

  He didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all. When he met someone who was skeptical, he would yell at him furiously.

  All of a sudden, the group was rioting, as if it was going to change in an instant.

   Once the emperor and the courtier, the media's exaggeration and Shan Hanxi's posture made everyone think that the group president will soon be replaced.

   "Second Young Master, let's see here first today. It's late, it's time to go to dinner." The assistant reminded respectfully from the side.

   "You don't need to go to the restaurant. Go back to the manor. I will eat with the uncle at noon today." Shan Hanxi took the coat from the assistant and walked out towards the group.

   "Second Young Master, go slowly--"

Behind    was a respectful greeting.

  Getting into the car, Shan Hanxi leaned against the back of the chair abruptly, tensed his nerves all morning, and slowly relaxed, reaching out and pressing his eyebrows.

   "How was my acting just now?"

   "Second Young Master, we performed very well today, but this is still a public place. If you have something to say to the manor, it is more appropriate." The assistant turned his head and stared at Shan Hanxi.

   His eyes fell on the reporter not far from the car window, quickly started the car, and drove back towards Shan Yi's manor.

  As soon as the car arrived at the manor, Shan Hanxi immediately pushed the door to get off.

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