365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1694: Except for the face, it has nothing to do

   Seeing that face exactly like him, Zi pupil tightened, and a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes.

  He has thought that there will be someone who looks like himself, but he never knew that he could be so alike.

  Whether it is face or body shape, it looks like 90%, no wonder it can be fake.

   is the comparison of his previous photos by the media, I am afraid it is difficult to find the difference.

   "Lang Tian entered the restaurant, Xi Shao, shall we follow up?" The assistant stopped the car and asked respectfully.

  Xu knew the importance of Shan Hanxi to Yu Xiu's accuracy, and his assistant accompanied Shan Hanxi around for a day without showing any impatience.

  "Help me get out of the car, and bring me my hat and sunglasses." Shan Hanxi commanded, and after he was fully armed, he followed Langtian into the restaurant.

  Like a shadow, hidden in the dark, quietly watching the bright sky a few tables away.

  That face is exactly the same as he used to be, but now because of the scars on his face, it looks a lot rougher.

  It seemed that Lang Tian looked very much like him before.

  Langtian dines in the restaurant alone, slow and tidy, but there is a sense of gentleness, but less domineering.

  Look carefully, it's a lot worse than Shan Hanxi.

  It's just that the righteousness is missing, so that the fakes can't be seen as authentic.

  Dan Hanxi ordered a few meals and ate it casually.

   motioned to the assistant beside him to also sit down.

  After watching Langtian for a long time, Shan Hanxi said, "Have you checked his detailed background and family situation?"

   With two faces so similar, he has some doubts whether he has a brother who is living outside.

   "I checked it all. Langtian's parents are still alive, and Yu Shao had been asked to check it early in the morning. He has nothing to do with you except that his face is very similar to Xi Shao you."

  The assistant respectfully responded.

  Sitting on a table with Shan Hanxi, the assistant still didn't dare to be presumptuous.


  That is just a coincidence.

  Dan Han's eyes flickered, and he didn't worry about this problem anymore.

  He and Shan Hanjie are brothers, and they are not brothers and sisters, ask himself, even if Langtian is his brother, he is now helping Shan Yi, Shan Hanxi will not be merciful.

  Since this is the case, it does not seem to be important at all whether there is a blood relationship.

   "Uncle, here."

  At the moment Shan Hanxi was meditating, Lang Tian suddenly stood up from his position and raised his hand in the direction of the door.

  Shan Hanxi turned his head and saw Shan Yi walking into the restaurant, and quickly pressed the brim of his hat.

   lowered his head.

  Looking at Shan Yi stepping towards Lang Tian, ​​Lang Tian had already stood up first, and respectfully pulled out the chair for him.

  "How to choose this kind of place and not enter the box yet?" Shan Yi glanced at the surrounding environment, and he snorted because of lack of privacy.

  Langtian's complexion changed, and then he explained anxiously.

"It is precisely because this place can be seen, so I chose this place. Our uncle and nephew have dinner together. If this is captured by the reporter, it will not be in sharp contrast with today's topic. If Shan Hanjie sees it, I'm afraid I can get angry."

  Lang Tian looked at Shan Yi anxiously.

  Shan Yizi's pupils tightened, then his face relaxed, and he admired, "I can't see it, you have a bit of a brain, sit down."

  Across several tables, Shan Hanxi looked at the energetic Shan Yi, grasping the knife and fork, and tightened silently.

  If the eyes can kill, he has already cut Shan Yi a thousand times.

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