was blank for a while, no sound came from the study.

  Ruihua stood there, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of plaster, and the whole person was dumb.

  She wanted to turn around and leave, pretending that she didn’t know anything, but she couldn’t move her feet.

  The tears fell down like this, and there was a fog in front of my eyes.

   "Ms. Rui Hua, why are you standing here?" As soon as the butler went upstairs to inform that dinner was ready, he saw Rui Hua standing in front of the study and asked in surprise.

  As soon as his voice fell, the door of the study was immediately opened.

  Fifth Xian Junyi's figure appeared by the door, with a trace of unconcealable tension and panic on his face.

   Seeing Rui Wei bursting into tears, the silver-white Zitong tightened and stretched out his hand to take her into his arms.

  When the housekeeper saw something was wrong, he quickly retreated.

   "Have you heard?"

  Fifth Chosen just hugged her like this, didn't coax her, just let her vent.

  Wait for Rui Wei to choke a little bit, then slowly let go of her, stroked her cheeks with long fingers, and wiped away the tears from her cheeks.

   "I didn't expect my father to use me to negotiate deals... He obviously loves me so much..." Rui Wei opened his mouth, his eyes were red again, and he choked up before he finished speaking.


  Fifth Chosen's chest tightened, looking at her pale little face, unspeakably annoyed.

  He knew she knew she would be uncomfortable, how could he be so careless.

  The fifth Xianxian bent over, hugged her a princess, and strode to the bedroom.

   Seeing her put on the bed, she turned around and went into the bathroom, twisting a handful of hot towels out.

  "Wipe her face, crying like a little cat, she is ugly." Fifth chooses to see her crying, rubbing her nose and tears on her body, and twisting her eyebrows.

   "No. 1 annoying ghost, do you have a conscience? I'm crying like this. You don't coax me, and I feel like I am ugly. What's wrong with me? If you don't like it, don't ask!

   Rui Hua grabbed the hot towel in his hand and threw it on the ground forcefully.

   Turned his face puffed up.


  Fifth Chosen gave her a glance, but was not angry, went back into the bathroom, and wrung a hot towel out.

  This time, without waiting for Rui Hua to throw it away, he straightened her face and carefully wiped her tears away.

   Twisted the hot water again and applied it to her eyes.

  "Don't move, leave it on for a few minutes, or your eyes will swell for a while." Fifth Chosen pressed her awkward body and whispered.

  The tone is not easily noticeable.


   Rui Hua wants to cry without tears.

  Why did she look for a doctor? Even at this time, you have to consider whether your eyes are swollen or not.

  Is her heart congested now? !

   "In fact, you know that no matter who it is, the reputation of the Adolf family is there, and your betrothal will not be low. If your father said, you don't have to take it to heart."

  I don’t know how long it took before Fifth Chosen lifted the towel from her eyes and opened her lips.

   There was a hint of disapproval in his voice, as if he didn't see Quwe's words in his heart at all.

   "That's my father, how could I not care about what he said!" Rui Wei grabbed his hem and pouted aggrievedly.

   "And I think what my father said is right. I am the best daughter of the Adolf family, and I don't have too many beauties." Rui Hua raised her eyebrows proudly.


  Fifth Xianzi squinted her eyes, and fixedly looked at the crying and laughing little woman, and couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

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