"Are you angry with me for an inexplicable man?" Fifth Chosen took a break, and suddenly felt that his joy just now looked like an idiot.

  She made him think that she missed him, but turned her face away, but fought hard with him for another man.

   is really ridiculous.

  Are things like feelings useful for reason?

  Duke Selter will not like her as long as he has other thoughts about her.

  If it weren’t for her face, he would have drew his gun and jumped him when he saw Duke for the first time!

"Senior is not an inexplicable man, he won't lie to me at least..." Rui Hua suddenly paused, biting his lip, and did not continue, "Fifth Chosen, what are you doing? I have something to tell you. , Give me a call when you come back."

  As soon as the words are finished, the phone hangs up.

   "Ruihua Adolf!" Fifth Chosen gave a low growl, and just about to question her what that sentence meant, she found that the phone was hung up by her, and Jun's face was clouded for a moment.

   cursed fiercely, stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, turned around and entered the elevator, and pressed down the first floor.

  Get out of the elevator, got on the car, hit the steering wheel, and hurried in the direction of the villa.

  It's best if Duke Set is gone when he goes back, otherwise he won’t be able to take his skin off!


  As soon as the car drove into the villa, the butler immediately greeted him.

   "Where is Ruihua Adolf?"

  Fifth chooses Xian to get angry and calls her directly with her first name.

   "Ms. Rui Wei is upstairs, just fell asleep." The butler looked at the unhappy Fifth Chosen, and responded tremblingly.


  Sleeping at this time, she was so angry that he was still asleep?

  Fifth, with a gloomy face, he turned around and walked into the villa.

   entered the living room and scanned around, but she did not see her.

  Walking up from the spiral staircase, just before walking to the bedroom, I was about to reach out and push the door, I heard a slight sob from inside.

  The fifth choice took a break, and a strange light flashed through the monster's pupil, and his heart tightened slightly.

  She angered him, but she cried first.

  It's really hopeless.

  It was him who was even more hopeless. He was so angry that he was going to explode just now, thinking that he would definitely clean up her when he saw her.

  In the end, she heard her sobbing twice, and the suffocation in her chest disappeared cleanly.

  One thing drops one thing.

  Fifth Chosen sighed quietly before reaching out and unscrewing the door, stepping in.

  The entrance bedroom is very tidy, the curtains are slightly opened, and the room is bright.

  The two potted flowers on the windowsill are blooming and full of vitality.

  The big bed, there are no people.

  Fifth Xianzi's pupil tightened, and his eyes swept in the direction of the sob, only to find her slender body lying on the couch.

  With her hands under her chin, her shoulders twitched as she cried.

   was crying too deeply, not even noticing that he had opened the door and walked in.

   "You can still cry yourself if you are angry with me, Ruihua Adolf, you are so good." Fifth Chosen stepped forward and reached out and took her into his arms.

   Rui Hua's body froze for an instant.

   looked up at him in shock.

  Her enchanting eyes blinked for a moment, a little surprised.

  When he called just now, didn’t he still say that something was not done?

  How come back so fast...

   "Nothing is as important as you, you just shake my face and ask me to settle the account, where I am still in the mood to do research, so women are troublesome."

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