365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1736: Fall in love, it's not trouble

  "This is a law firm."

   Just when Rui Hua was about to protest, he suddenly opened his lips faintly.

  The words fall, and the kind of eyes you should know what is going on now look at Rui Hua.

  The point is that Rui Hua’s brain circuit has not yet returned.

  Just like a little chicken, he took it in his hand and strode into the law firm.

  "Master Chosen, I have prepared the agreement. You can check the specific terms. If there is no problem, just sign it." The lawyer received the news early in the morning and waited respectfully.

When    saw Fifth Zexian appear with Rui Wei, he immediately moved forward with two documents.

  Fifth, I didn’t even look at it. I picked up the pen directly, signed the word humbly, and pushed the document in front of Rui Wei.

   "Sign." Fifth chooses leisurely and indifferent lips.

  He didn't give Rui Hua time to recover at all, so she put the pen into her palm.

  Rui Wei was about to ask what it was, when he was shocked by the big words of the [Marriage Agreement] that raised his head.

  Flicked his hand and dropped the pen.

   His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth was slightly opened, and he stared at the document in front of him in disbelief.

  "The conclusion, the marriage agreement..."

   Ruihua's broken voice seemed to be forced out of his throat, and his beautiful little face was a look that had been struck by lightning.

  She obviously should be driven away by him, how did she become a captive to sign the marriage...

  Before Rui Hua could figure out what went wrong, Fifth Chosen put the pen into her hand again, her voice was a little lower than before, "Sign."

  In the magnetic voice, there is a hint of unnoticeable tension.

  He didn't propose to marry him, he didn't have a diamond ring, he only had an impulse, and he made an agreement that would bind her for life.

  Fifth Chosen for the first time in her life felt that she was so unsure of doing something, and she wanted to force her to sign with a guilty heart.

   met her startled eyes, and the palm of Fifth Chosen was already sweating.

  He wanted to hold her hand very much and directly signed the words.

  In the end, he held back, looking at her blankly, holding on to her calmness, as if to give her time to think, no one spoke, just silently staring at each other.

  I don’t know how long it took, but when she would definitely refuse after the fifth choice of leisure, Rui Hua's hand moved suddenly.

   squeezed the pen in his hand and moved it to the document.

  Fifth Chosen unconsciously held her breath, watching her sign the first word on the agreement, and when she was about to continue writing, she suddenly stopped and stood upright.

   turned his head to look at him.

"why me?"

  "What?" The fifth choice was taken for a while.

   "Why is it me? You didn't like me before, and you thought that if you get me, you are in trouble." Rui Wei bit her lip aggrievedly.

  The Adolf's family is ambitious. If Fifth Chosen is with her, it is impossible to really stay out of the matter.

  Today can be a line of arms, but tomorrow it may be something else.

  As long as she is still by his side, he will always be involved in these waves and tricks that he doesn't like.

   "If you fall in love, it is not trouble." Even if it is a burden, it is also a sweet burden.

   "But I don't understand anything, and you always scold me for being stupid." Rui Huan uttered, pouting unhappily, turning over the old account.

   "I'm not smart either. Every time I finish scolding you, I won't feel well." Fifth Chosen's eyes were deep, and his eyes were full of doting.

  Two IQ geniuses, but both are EQ idiots.

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