He, did he bring her to buy a wedding ring?


   arrived suddenly, she didn't know how to react to be considered normal.

   Just before, she was still worried about Fifth Chosen who wanted to drive her away, but he took her to register for the marriage.

   Before she had time to digest that they had registered for marriage, he suddenly brought her to buy a ring...

  Ruihua’s brain circuit has not kept up at all!

  "This is regarded as an engagement ring. The time is too short to customize. Our wedding ring, I will prepare it again." Fifth Chosen saw the doubt in her eyes and rubbed her little head fondly.

  It is impulsive to register a marriage, but wanting to marry her is not a whim.

  His woman deserves the best.

  "Which style do you like?" Fifth Chosen took the stunned Rui Hua into his arms, raised his eyebrows and pointed at the diamond ring in front of him, "Is there no unique ring in your store?"

  "I don’t know what type of ring the two like. There are many ring styles in our shop. You can choose it slowly. If you don’t like it, you can also customize it, but it will be delivered later."

  The shopping guide explained respectfully.

   After finishing speaking, he signaled that Rui Hua could go to the front to look.

   Rows of diamond rings, under the shining of light, can really make people’s eyes dazzling.

  Ruihua looked around, but didn't know the south, east, north, and west anymore.

   "I don't want chic ones, just the most common ones. I want a couple ring, the simplest one." Rui Hua blinked his eyes several times, and after a long time, he recovered and spoke clearly.

  She said, and the shopping guide immediately nodded respectfully, "Some and some, you two will measure the size of your fingers first. I will get you a suitable style and let them choose."

   "Thank you."

  Rui Wei took Fifth Xianxian and walked to the next service area, measured the size of his fingers, and then raised his head and looked at him with a smile.

   "You deserve the best." But she only wants the simplest.

  Fifth Chosen's eyes flashed, and he looked at her with some doubts.

  He thought that every woman would want her wedding ring to be unique.

  Today is a temporary motive. He doesn't have much time to prepare. He just wants to buy an engagement ring and fasten her fast.

  Wait later and then find a world-class designer to re-customize the wedding ring for them.

   "The simplest is the best!"

  Ruihua’s smile is bright at the corner of her mouth and her eyebrows are crooked.

"Choose leisure, choose a reliable man, and I will be able to spend my life free. I don't want to be rich, as long as you are right, it is enough. Isn't it true that ordinary and ordinary are true? I am married to an extraordinary The man just wants to live an ordinary happy life."


  Fifth, I was stunned for a while.

  The strange child pupils, bursting with light, are intricately intertwined.

   Watching her turn around, looking expectantly at the direction in which the shopping guide went to get the ring, her heart throbbed in namelessly.

"This is the simplest style in our store. You can see if you like it. In fact, the biggest meaning of the ring is promise. The simpler it is, the easier it is to stick to it. Just like the love between two people, it will last for a long time. "

  The shopping guide took a row of rings and put them in front of the counter.

The words of    made the smile at the corner of Rui Hua's mouth more obvious.

  That's what she meant.

  The simpler, the easier it is to stick to it.

  "Will we have this right? It's simple, but generous. The most important thing is that I like it."


  PS: All thirty chapters have been updated.

PPS: This chapter is [Chapter 1738], the last chapter to grab Q coins by leaving a message. Because the update is late, the event time will be extended to before 12 o'clock tomorrow evening. If you leave a message in this chapter, you may grab Q coins. ! Good night (^o^)/~

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