365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1744: To give birth to a son is to owe a beating!

  Qin Youxuan almost sprayed blood on his face.

  Tingye is only nine months old. If he can call him Dad at this time, he would really be terrified!


  The little guy was obviously hungry, wanted his mother to hold him, and kept reaching out to Qin Youxuan.

  Small mouth chirped, babbling.

  Fen-carved and jade-shaped face is an anxious look that can't be concealed, as if he really wanted to call him father, but he couldn't call it out.

   "He, he seems to understand?" Qin Youxuan looked at the anxious little guy waving her small fist, her eyes staring like copper bells.

  Can such a small child understand what an adult says? !

   Hearing her startled, Shan Hanjie hadn't reacted, and the little guy had already cried first.


  Heart-piercing cry, like being bullied, seeking comfort.

  The little pink mouth is opened and closed, looking at the shape of the mouth, it is like calling mother.

  Qin Youxuan was stunned, the whole figure seemed to have been struck by lightning.

   Shan Hanjie’s expression is not much better.

  Even though he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he was slightly surprised when he saw Xiao Tingye's performance different from ordinary people.

  Hold him up with both hands, put him on his thigh, bend his knees, let him lean on his knees, and the father and son looked at each other from a little distance.

   "Call Dad."

  Shan Hanjie's coquettish Zitong fixedly looked at the crying red-eyed little milk bag in front of him.

   "Puff puff——"

  Xiao Tingye's face curled, he glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and blew two milk bubbles with disdain.


  Dan Hanjie turned black.

  Sure enough, giving birth to a son is a beating!

   Seeing Shan Hanjie’s dark complexion, Xiao Tingye’s crying that could not be easily stopped suddenly broke out again.

  The little arm stretched out in the direction of Qin Youxuan desperately, asking her to hold her.

   "Don't cry or cry, my crying mother hurts her heart and liver." Qin Youxuan gestured to hug him, and Shan Hanjie directly separated her hand from one side of her body.

  "A man, I can only sell cute by crying. What's the use?" After speaking, he glanced at the little milk bag in his arms disgustingly.

   "Shan Hanjie, are you a joke sent by a monkey? When you were so young, can you do anything besides crying? I think you are not as smart as my son!"

  As soon as he cried and felt aggrieved, Qin Youxuan stretched out his hand and hugged him.

  As soon as he was about to sit on the sofa, Shan Hanjie took him into his arms.

  His chin rested on her shoulder, gritted his teeth, "You ignore me all the time for this stinky boy, believe it or not, I throw him into the trash can you can't find? Huh!"


   Throw it away, and throw it away in the trash can, Jie Shao, are you sure this is your son?


  Xiao Tingye’s grievances rang through the entire villa.


  Qin Youxuan stuffed the baby bottle into the little guy’s mouth, and finally she was quiet for a while.

   "Shan Hanjie, do you want to let Fifth Chosen come and have a look?" Qin Youxuan looked at the little guy in his arms and asked uneasy.

   met his big sly eyes and couldn't help laughing.

   "Look at you like this, you are so shrewd at such a young age, and you can still get it when you grow up."

  "What are you looking at? I'm not surprised by Shan Hanjie's kind of talent." Shan Hanjie leaned on the sofa and glanced coldly at the little milk bag happily drinking milk.

  No matter how smart you are, you can get it done with a bottle of milk.

  Want to fight him, wait twenty years later!

   "Yes, you are so weird, it's not strange how strange you are." Qin Youxuan mocked him coldly and gave him a blank look.

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