365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1750: I know what i'm doing

   "Master Xi, everyone has gone far, and Yu Shao wants you to go back as soon as possible."

  In the dark, two human shadows are hidden in the blind spot of the light.

  The assistant pushing the wheelchair watched Qin Youxuan's figure disappear before respectfully reminding her.

  The eyes of the man in the wheelchair flashed, and he reached out and took off the mask, revealing his disfigured face.

  The corners of his mouth twitched lightly, with a sly smile.

   Recalling the scene where Qin Youxuan passed by him just now, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

  At that moment, he almost couldn't help it, and pulled her behind him, giving her a deep hug.

  Tell her that he is still alive.

  He wanted to see her reaction with his own eyes.

Is    surprised, or can't believe it?

  Or maybe, will be a little bit happy for him?

"Let's go back."

  For a long time, until the figure had disappeared, Shan Hanxi put on the mask again and ordered to his assistant.


  The assistant who followed him immediately pushed the wheelchair and left towards the exit of Ocean Park.

  As soon as they were about to leave the Ocean Park, they saw a dazzling sports car rushing towards them.


   Before the car stopped, Yu Xiuzun had already pushed the door down.

  Flying short flax hair, flaunting evil spirits.

  The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose blocked his evil eyes, and the dark atmosphere on his body was still exposed to the sun.

   Reached out and took off the sunglasses, and threw them on the driver's seat. Yu Xiuzun walked quickly towards Shan Hanxi.

  The anger on his face is unobstructed.

   "Are you crazy? You dare to follow Qin Youxuan secretly, do you know that once Shan Hanjie finds you, you will be dead!" Yun Xiuzhun growled calmly.

   "I know what I'm doing. You made a special trip to tell me this?" Shan Hanxi raised his eyebrows indifferently, and his handsome face became a little cold because of the scar across it.

  He was wearing a mask, and Yu Xiu couldn't see the look on his face, but he could hear something wrong in his tone.

"I'm not so bored. You don't want me to interfere with your affairs. It's best to tell me in advance what you want to do. Don't forget, we are on the same boat. If the boat capsizes, I can swim ashore. You I'm afraid it's hard to tell the current situation."

  Yu Xiuzhun's words were straightforward, with a bit of sarcasm.

  Dan Han's eyes flashed in his west, knowing the facts he said, and he was not angry.

  Pushing the wheelchair, move towards the car next to him.

When    passed by Yu Xiuzun's side, he stretched out his hand and held it down, "Shan Hanxi, what are you thinking about?"

   "The time is up, you will know it naturally." Shan Hanxi looked back at him, "As long as you know now, I want Shan Yi to die, there is no place to die!"


  Yunxiu quashed suddenly and let go of his hand, watching him push the wheelchair to the door of the car.

   "Yu Shao, I'll send Xi Shao home first." The assistant bowed towards Yu Xiu Zun, hurriedly stepped up to follow Shan Hanxi, and helped his wheelchair get into the car.

  Yun Xiuzun looked at his disappearing figure, and Xie Ning’s Zitong showed a touch of coldness.

  Clenched fists with both hands, stood for a while, then walked back to the car.

   Start the car, hit the steering wheel, and drive in the direction of Ye Family Villa.


airport exit.

   "Rui Wei, here!" Qin Youxuan was sitting in the car. When she saw two people walking out of the airport, she pushed the door and got out of the car.

"I'm coming."

  As soon as Ruiwei saw Qin Youxuan, she threw away the hand of Fifth Chosen, and ran towards her with her legs open, with joy that could not be concealed on her face.

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