"I'm not drinking anymore. I didn't drive yesterday. Ask the driver to take me a ride. I want to go home." Ye Mingmei gathered her coat, covering the hickey on her neck, and said to the housekeeper.

   "Miss Ye, Yu Shao has something to go out. I ordered you to wait for him to come back for dinner." The butler said embarrassedly.

   "I have to go home. It's six o'clock in the afternoon. If I don't go back, my mother will be anxious." Ye Mingmei was dumbfounded when she heard that Yu Xiuzhun had her eat with him.

  After the dumbfounded, only panic remained.

  Although Su Yiru didn't ask much about her whereabouts, but she has left frequently for most of the day. If she hadn't used Jin Chenye as a guise, she would have been unable to hide it.

   "This... the subordinates have no way to call the shots, otherwise Miss Ye would give Yu Shao a call?" the butler kindly suggested.

  Yu Xiuzun’s temper is that these people who wait on them every day can’t catch it, let alone disobey him.


  Ye Mingmei looked at the night sky, bit her lip, turned out the phone, and dialed his phone.

  The phone rang several times, but no one answered it.

   Ye Mingmei was scared of him, but when no one answered the phone, she hurriedly reached out and hung up.

  Wondering over how to get the housekeeper to agree to let her leave, the phone rang suddenly.

   glanced at the caller ID, it was Yu Xiu's call.

  Taking a deep breath, Ye Mingmei had the courage to pick it up.

   "What's the matter?" Yu Xiu was very light, with a trace of carelessness, and seemed tired.

   "It's late, I want to go back, but the butler won't let..."

  Ye Mingmei was afraid that he would be impatient, so she didn't dare to think too much, so she spoke quickly.

  After speaking, I dare not even mention the extra words.

  "My work is almost over. Wait a while. I will stay in the villa to dine with me today. I will send you back after eating." Yu Xiuzhun paused slightly before responding.

  The voice is neither hot nor cold, nor can I hear the emotions, let alone his thoughts.

   "No, my mother will definitely prepare my dinner, and she keeps calling me, I'm afraid I won't go back, she will know that I am with you." Ye Mingmei bit her lip in fear and explained.

   "Then let her know, I am not that shameful!" Yu Xiuzhun's tone finally became sulky.

  The anger came a little bit suddenly, Ye Mingmei didn't even have time to reflect what she had said wrong.

   Hearing what he said, she was also a little anxious.

  "Yu Xiuzhun, you promised me that as long as I listen to you, you will help me hide from my mother and prevent her from knowing that we are together!"

  The only thing she wants to do now is not to let Su Yiru worry about her.

  As long as Su Yiru doesn’t know, she is willing to bear with her for a while, until Yu Xiu gets tired of her, and waits until she is free again.

"Don't you? How long do you really think you can hide it? Just go out under the name of Jin Chenye every day, just in case you get lost?" Yu Xiuzhun gritted his teeth. "


  Ye Mingmei was so yelled by him that her eardrums ache, and she did not dare to hang up.

  Holding the phone, the finger bones began to turn white as soon as the fingers were tight.

   "The senior is just kindly helping me..."

   "He is kind to help you, only I am full of malice, so you can't wait to escape from me?" Yu Xiuzhun's tone slowed down, and his anger seemed to recede in an instant.

   "You tell me, where are you obedient?"

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