365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1760: Whoever is near me will be unlucky

  As if he had made up his mind, he slowly got up from the ground, turned and walked towards the closet.

   took out his suitcase and started packing up clothes.

  She moves quickly, but she is not chaotic at all, and she organizes everything she wants to bring.

  ID card, passport, bank card...

  In less than half an hour, everything in the suitcase has been packed.

   Putting the box aside, she stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash her face.

  Take out the phone, send two text messages, and then shut down.

  Turn off the light, climbed onto the bed, thinking of nothing, and went to sleep with the head covered.


  When the sky was dark, Ye Mingmei got up for the first time, cleaned herself up briefly, and went out with the suitcase.

   "Miss, where are you going?" The butler looked at Ye Mingmei carrying the suitcase and was taken aback.

   "There is a temporary business trip, it is too early, don't wake up my mother, after she wakes up, you can help me tell her." Ye Mingmei had already thought about the words, and simply explained to the housekeeper.

  After putting on sunglasses, the red and swollen eyes can't see anything unusual.

   "Yes, the subordinates know, I will prepare the car and send the eldest lady to the airport." The butler replied respectfully, turning around and going back.

   "No, I can take a taxi by myself."

   Ye Mingmei reached out and stroked the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, fearing that Ye's luxury car would attract the attention of others, so she decided to take a taxi.

  "Take the subordinates to help the lady take the luggage out." The butler reached out to Ye Mingmei's suitcase, turned around and sent it out of the Ye family's gate.

When    got in the taxi, she told her to be careful on the way.

  Ye Mingmei looked at the farther and farther home from the rearview mirror, and the sorrow and grief in her heart was finally restrained, and it began to flood again.

  Repeated deep breaths several times before suppressing tears.

   "Miss, the airport is here." The taxi steadily stopped in front of the terminal, turning around to remind Ye Mingmei who was in a daze.

   "...thank you."

   Ye Mingmei regained her senses abruptly, hurriedly paid the money, and pushed the car door down.

   Entered the waiting room, and just reached out and took off her sunglasses, she saw Qin Youxuan standing not far away, and she paused.

  Qin Youxuan wears a very simple, a small skirt that crosses the knee, a very simple but generous style.

  A charming long hair with slightly curled ends, bright eyes, with a trace of rebelliousness.

  Holding his shoulders with his hands, standing there quietly, with confidence between his eyebrows. It can attract everyone's attention in an instant.


   Ye Mingmei did not expect that she would appear, the hand holding the luggage lever was a little tight, and her expression became a little nervous.

   "Have you cried?"

  Qin Youxuan walked to her, looked at her red and swollen eyes, and raised her eyebrows.


   Ye Mingmei lowered her head, silent.

   "Come with me." Qin Youxuan grabbed her hand, took her to the chair in the terminal.

   Pressed her on her chair, turned around and ordered two cups of hot cocoa, took a cup and put it in her hand.

  "Tell me what you are thinking. Suddenly a text message wanted to go on a business trip and asked me to help you hide Aunt Ru." Qin Youxuan's voice was very soft, neither angry nor questioning.

  Like two good sisters, chatting all right.

  Ye Mingmei didn't see the anger on her face, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I don't want to see Yu Xiuzun... He knows that I and Senior Master are fake, and he said that whoever is close to me will make anyone unlucky. I don't want to hurt Senior..."

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