365-Day Trial Marriage With Hunk: Wife’s A Little Wild

Chapter 1766: Speak straight if you have something

  Yao paused, “Regarding energy, it has always been a weakness of the consortium. Given this opportunity, the directors of the consortium are very interested, so they made an exception and agreed to start the voting meeting.”

   "The Ito family, you really can't beat Xiaoqiang."

  Qin Youxuan spoke angrily, her small face was full of anger.

  As long as she thinks of Ito Chiba running up to her with someone else's child and yelling, her temples can't help but burst into blue veins.

"The Ito family has been weakened a lot because of the last blow. This time, a lot of effort has been invested in the development of new energy. They can follow Shan Yi on the line, and their subordinates are worried that they are thinking about revenge. "Yao's tone sank slightly.

  Ito Chiba was discredited because of Shan Hanjie. Afterwards, Shan Hanjie was jealous because of Qin Youxuan, so he cleaned up Ito’s house.

  Now letting them take the opportunity to make a comeback, I am afraid it is uneasy and kind.

  "Just a development project?" Shan Hanjie snorted coldly, "I don't care about it yet."

  Shan Yi also went to the doctor in a hurry.

  He didn't put him in the eyes of the Ito family when they were in high spirits, let alone now.

  Dan Hanjie's eyes flashed, and he got up from the sofa holding Qin Youxuan and carried her back to the bedroom.

   "I'll go, you will wait for me at home."

   tenderly dropped a kiss on her forehead. As soon as Shan Hanjie turned to leave, Qin Youxuan grabbed his clothes first.

   "Ito Chiba is not allowed."

  "It's just a vote within the group, there will be no outsiders." Shan Hanjie helped her forehead helplessly, but loved her jealous little expression.

  Long fingers stroked her cheek, "I really want to take you away in my pocket."

  "Your pocket is not that big, don't think about it, go early and return early."

  Qin Youxuan's face blushed slightly, and she simply turned her head away from him.

   Hearing the sound of his leaving footsteps, he poked his head out slowly.

  The big room was emptied at once, and she rolled a few times on the bed before continuing to enjoy the life of Mi insects.


  聿's villa.

  Yu Xiu Zhun Junyi's figure stood in the courtyard, and the sunlight stretched his shadow very long, revealing a trace of ghost.

  His hands are behind his back, his handsome face does not have much expression, and his cold look makes people shudder.

  In front of him, Shan Hanxi was pushing the wheelchair and slowly approaching.

  Meeting his unpleasant gaze, Shan Hanxi didn't have any panic, and was very calm.

  The two looked at each other.

   "I heard the news of Shan Yi, and finally I am willing to come out to bask in the sun. I'm really afraid that you will die in the room and no one will find out." Yu Xiuzhun's poisonous tongue has always been rude.

   "Speak up if you have something to say, don't waste your saliva." Shan Hanxi seemed to be used to the way he spoke, and opened his lips indifferently.

  "Shan Yi initiated the voting meeting of the board of directors of the Shan consortium and wanted to cooperate with the Ito family. If I remember correctly, Ito Hirotake was the person under your father's hands."

  Yun Xiuzhun turned around and looked down at Shan Hanxi.

   "What do you want to say?" Shan Hanxi raised his head, without evading Yu Xiu's inquisitive gaze.

  He has not been in the sun for a long time, his face is very pale, with a trace of sickness and weakness.

  A sharp contrast with the scar on the face.

   "I want to know what you think of the Ito family." Yu Xiu's eyes flashed.

  "It's just an unfamiliar dog, I don't know when it will bite back." Speaking of the Ito family, Shan Hanxi only had disdain and disgust.

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